When I traveled through Europe a few years ago I was lucky enough to be able to get yoghurt and kefir quite easily in countries such as Sweden, Finland, Poland and Hungary, and I kind of got hooked on it. 1. Journal of Herbal Medicine and Toxicology, 4(1), 9-14. A: You can enjoy it with fresh or fermented fruits and homemade gluten-free muesli. Place the jars on a shelf in the pantry and allow it to culture for 2 days. Pick your favorite cultured food, start the course, and follow the lessons. When bad bacteria (such as yeasts, viruses, fungi, etc.) In general, kefir of all kinds contain high levels of vitamin B12, calcium, magnesium, vitamin K2, biotin, folate, enzymes and probiotics. (20) You can also use milk kefir grains to make coconut milk kefir. Ive started my very own Cultured Food Life Podcast! The probiotics also help restore your good flora that fight against pathogens and aid against disruptive diarrhea and other gastrointestinal side effects caused by taking antibiotics. Feed them often and this will give you lots of water kefir! 5 Ways Restaurants Can Improve Their Impact on the Planet. Because kefir does not have a standardized nutrition content, the content values can vary based on the various milk or water bases, cultures, and region where its produced. Make Cultured Veggies But in What Kind of Jar? A 2005study published in the International Journal of Antimicrobial Agentsshowed kefiran isantimicrobial, helps fight against candida symptoms and even speeds healing of external wounds. Heal the Gut and Support the Immune System with this incrediblyeasy-to-make probioticdrink. This is why I recommend consuming coconut kefir instead. My Probiotic Summer Foods eBook is back!. Store-bought coconut water is pasteurized and therefore wont contain all the natural goodness of fresh coconut water. But what you do want to make sure is, that you have more good bacteria than bad bacteria. kefir Even Marco Polo wrote about this wonder drink, believe it or not. kefir But beyond these healthier forms of coconut, lies a magical form that many other people dont know about or even think to consider using in their daily routines. ), Intersection Between Animal Exploitation and Other Social Justice Issues, 10 Games That Help Develop Emotional and Social Intelligence in Children, 10 Empowering Black Documentaries in the Public Health, Animal Rights, and Green Space, 10 Important Documentaries About The Impact and Reality of Gun Violence, The Jig is Up For The Oil and Gas Industry, 10 Times Activists Were Silenced, Deplatformed or Killed, Brave Paws Creates Plant-Based Anxiety and Stress Support Chewables for Dogs. In a 2005 study, twenty-eight hypertensive subjects who drank coconut water daily for two weeks showed a reduction in both systolic (71% reduction) and diastolic (29% reduction) blood pressure. kefir fermented digestion electrolytes Dont use bottled coconut water since it is lacking in the true health benefits whole coconuts contain. kefir coconut water probiotic powerhouse own making thealternativedaily Kefir is a fermented beverage which uses kefir grains which are highly beneficial organisms of bacteria that promote good digestion, gut health, immunity, and even enhance the brain and mood. Traditionally kefir is made with dairy milk since the sugars in milk (lactose) feed the good bacteria needed for growth. Check out our must-buy plant-based cookbooks! When you make kefir using awonder liquid like coconut water, you subtractthe lactose present in dairy kefir, but add the potent minerals and electrolytes of coconut water. When you first start consuming any type of kefir, constipation and intestinal cramping can occur, especially if your system is worn down, severely compromised, or not accustomed to certain types of yeast and bacterial strains. High-powered blenders will do this more efficiently than other blenders, but most blenders will start to warm up just a bit within 30-60 seconds. It is fast, super easy to make, and wow is it good for you. The coconut is a magical food in almost every way you can imagine. The information in our articles is NOT intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. Other people are looking for a change in flavor and slightly different nutritional compounds in their kefir drinks. We found it quite effective as the good microbes ate the extra sugars out of the coconut water and turned it into a probiotic drink. What was once consumed as a bag of sugary, sweetened shredded coconut used on cakes and in unhealthy desserts (hello Mounds bars! (9). (Just make sure the lid is on good!). There arent many side effects of consuming coconut kefir. Research published in 2009 identified not one but three antimicrobial peptides in green coconut water. Coconut water has natural sugars that happen to feed kefir grains just as much as lactose does, but without all the negative side effects that come with dairy. If even that is hard to source then use a probiotic that you normally use or which has been prescribed by your practitioner. There are two ways you can do this depending on the type you want. Additionally, store bought yoghurts dont colonise good bacteria in the digestive system, but coconut kefir does. We strongly advise that you seek professional advice as appropriate before making any health decision. 6 Proven Diatomaceous Earth Uses and Benefits, Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits and Uses (30! Place the jar on a shelf in the pantry and allow it to culture for 2 days. While coconut kefir is not extremely high in sugar, it does have enough that you dont want to overdoit on a daily basis, especially if you have diabetes. (12). Our team includes licensed nutritionists and dietitians, certified health education specialists, as well as certified strength and conditioning specialists, personal trainers and corrective exercise specialists. Its simply coconut water that has been fermented with kefir grains. The average person needs about 4,700 milligrams of potassium each day, but most people are deficient in potassium. And for the Yoghurt start with 1-2 Tbsp for adults and 1-2 tsp for children. Water kefir does contain fewer strains of bacteria and yeasts than milk kefir, but water kefir typically contains a lot more beneficial bacteria thanyogurt or buttermilk. So whether it's the abundance of potassium, or probiotics, or extra vitamins and minerals, I am grateful for what it does for me. Fish are among the healthiest omega-3 foods out there. The cost of making your own probiotic drink is a tiny fraction of what you would have to pay for commercial probiotics and offers more complete health benefits doesnt get better than that! The best way I can describe coconut water kefir is "soothing" - it's calming to my central nervous system and to my mind. What Kind of Sugars Can I Use in Kombucha? It's a therapeutic, probiotic food. ; Clark, B.F.C. Vermeulen, K.; Strnad, M.; Krytof, V.; Havlicek, L.; Van der Aa, A.; Lenjou, M.; Njis, G.; Rodrigus, I.; Stockman, B.; Van Onckelen, H.; Van Bockstaele, D.R. Water Kefir or Kefir Soda? First, before you consider using coconut kefir, you should know why fermented and cultured foods are important. What Is the Environmental Cost of Renewable Energys Dependency on Traditional Extraction Methods and Are There Better Ways? A: It will make 10L of coconut water kefir or 10L of yoghurt. All you need to do is purchase a starter cultures (I recommend Kultured Wellness brand only as I know it is pure and free of dubious excipients + has the most variety of beneficial bacterial strains = loads of gorgeous probiotics). I find that the addition of the naturally occurring sugars in the coconut water/ cream kick start the fermentation process and it's usually ready within 1-2 days time after doing that. My Probiotic Summer Drinks recipe eBook is back! Come be a part of my cultured food family! See FAQS below if you have issues or additional questions, 1. (15). After cutting the coconut open, youll need the water to make your kefir and can scrape out the meat (coconut butter) to use for smoothies, desserts, or just eat it off the spoon! All you need are water kefir crystals(which are different from milk kefir grains)and some coconut water and 24 hours. Without a doubt, vitamin D is one of the most important micronutrients Youve likely read up on the importance of prenatal vitamins and how Probiotics Benefits, Foods and Supplements a Beginners Guide, Kefir vs. Yogurt: How to Decide Which Is Right for You, L-Glutamine Benefits Leaky Gut & Metabolism, Detox Your Liver: Try My 6-Step Liver Cleanse, Sucralose: 5 Reasons to Avoid This Artificial Sweetener. So 1 cup of the coconut yoghurt = 1 bottle of probiotics. outweigh the good kind (probiotics and prebiotics), you get sick, develop yeast infections, fungal overgrowth and have symptoms like acne, jock itch, the cold, the flu, have chronic digestive complains, a number of food allergies, food cravings, weight gain, and can even develop depression since good gut bacteria directly influence brain health. Antiproliferative effect of plant cytokinin analogues with an inhibitory activity on cyclin-dependent kinases. Coconut on its own as a whole food promotes a healthy immune system, contains antiviral properties, and has been shown to boost liver and brain health. Fermented foods like cultured veggies, yogurt, kombucha, kefir, chocolate, and pickles all contain natural sources of probiotics. Try some of our other healthy fermented recipes here at One Green Planet such as: If you enjoy articles and recipes like these and want more, we highly recommend downloading the Food Monster App. Why I Consume Coconut Yoghurt & Kefir Daily, 4 Simple Tips For Staying Healthy While Travelling . Since dairy isnt the most health-promoting choice out there, its best to try to find an ulterior medium to culture good bacteria (such as kefir grains) with. It's bubbly, tangy, and delicious! Shop bought probioticscannot even begin tocompareto the quality and diversity of making your own drink intwosimple steps. kefir Get your favorite articles delivered right to your inbox! Its been shown to help the following: cleanse the body, enhance digestion of all foods, flatten the stomach, promote a better mood, balance hormones, increase your energy, eliminate Candida(a harmful yeast), stop the growth of stomach cancer cells, and even stop cravings for sugar. All that goodness in a mild, sweet and fizzy tasting beverage thats been shown to boost the immune system, aid digestion, remedy allergies and asthma, fight cancer, and provide plenty of potassium, all while being safe for those who are lactose intolerant pretty amazing. water kefir coconut kombuchakamp sugar recipes Coconut water is the clear liquid found inside a young, green coconut. End Bullfighting, Tighten Firework Sale Restrictions, Ban Gas Chamber Euthanasia: 10 Petitions to Sign this Week to Help People, Animals, and the Planet! To access the rest, you haveto pay a subscription fee but its totally worth it because not only do you get instant access to 8k+ recipes, you get 10 NEW recipes every day! Coconut water kefir is also lower in calories than dairy forms, has no fat or sugar, and is much more palatable! 3. Crunchy Caramel Slice [Vegan, Gluten-Free]. When the water or milk from coconut is cultured with kefir grains to make coconut kefir, the benefits skyrocket. upset stomach kefir How we work A: Yes you can. Water kefir is made from crystalline-like and salt-like grains that feed on sugar. Coconut kefir is both lactose-free and gluten-free. The Kefir has slightly less probiotics, but it's still powerful. Keeping it in the oven ensures no air drafts will disrupt the fermentation process. You can drink coconut water to help restore electrolytes that exit the body if you experience dehydration. Commun. When you're in the checkout cart type in 'JORDANPIE' to make sure you receive 10% off your cultures. It contains vitamins C, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, and B9 (folate), along with magnesium which all support the adrenals and keep the body in balance. Coconut water kefiris rich in calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and B vitamins as well as a host of amino acids and enzymes. You can use it to ferment juices,vegetables,fruits,ice-creamsand more. are clickable links to medically peer-reviewed studies. Kinetin delays the onset of ageing characteristics in human fibroblasts. A: No, I always find that the very first batch takes the longest as it's re-activating +they can take a little longer to ferment if the weather is cooler or if it's winter. 5. We have over 140+ lessons sorted into different courses. After all, you gotta take care of all those good bacteria so they can take care of you! A: Yes, they're absolutely suitable for any of those diets. A: It will last for 6 months in the fridge or freezer. One study (with dairy-based kefir) showed that kefir can slow the growth of early tumors and their enzymatic conversions from non-carcinogenic to carcinogenic. Master the course and then pick another. ; Berneman, Z.N. Coconut water is one of my favorite drinks! 4. Or you can let it ferment longer for another 24 hours if you dont feel it smells just right. Again, it should smell like yogurt or store bought kefir. Terms and Conditions, Heat the coconut water such as Vitacoco, in a pan until it is barely warm - about 30 degrees celsius, Place in a glass jar or bottle and add the water kefir grains, Cover with muslin or cheese cloth and leave for between 24 to 48 hours - on the kitchen counter will be just fine. Coconut water kefir recipes are just as simple as regular milk kefir recipes. It can also assist in rebuilding after antibiotic use and diarrhoea, combatting candida and crowding out viruses, weight management and obesity and inflammation. The information on this website has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We have more bacteria cultures in our body than we do human cells. With strict editorial sourcing guidelines, we only link to academic research institutions, reputable media sites and, when research is available, medically peer-reviewed studies. (7), The live microorganisms present in kefir help promote the immune system to naturally suppress allergic reactions and aid in changing the bodys response to the systemic outbreak points for allergies. Coconut kefir is a great alternative to milk kefir with its delicious flavor profile plus theamazing benefits of coconutsand coconut water to boot. A: The kefir contains 41 billion CFU per cup. All About Plant-Based Probiotics: Get Them First Thing in the Morning! Coconut water kefir alsocontains caprylic acid, an anti-fungal fatty acid which is very effective for bringing Candida in the body back into its rightful place. It's a therapeutic, probiotic food. After you have your culture starter, youll need a whole coconut so you can use the fresh milk or water from a coconut. negative side effects that come with dairy. Here are two websites that might help you locate a Functional Medicine/Integrative practitioner near you: www.acam.org and www.functionalmedicine.org. Kefir is usually made with dairy milk since the sugars in milk (lactose) feed the good bacteria needed for growth. Kefir grains grown rapidly and once you have bought your first SCOBY you will never have to buy one again as long as you keep making wonderful probiotic drinks. The concoction should be a bit bubbly, which means its alive and working! Leukemia 2002, 16, 299305. Privacy Policy The coconut is actually the seed, or nut, from the coconut palm. Pour into very clean glass jars and close the lid tightly. Coconut water contains GABA, a neurotransmitter that has a relaxing, anti-anxiety, and anti-convulsive impact on the body. 1994, 201, 665672. Karthikeyan, J., & Samipillai, S. S. (2010). Yogurt doesnt colonize good bacteria in the digestive system, but kefir does. Lauric acid converts to monolaurin in the body, which helps protect against gastrointestinal infections, worms, viruses and more. Coconut water kefir contains no dairy or lactose, making it a safe option for those who suffer from the symptoms of lactose intolerance. Listen and check out the many health benefits and why drinking this can help with anxiety, kidney stones, blood pressure, and more. 2022 Dr. Axe. Pour into a clean 2L glass jar and close the lid tightly.3. When it's ready, place it in the fridge. Coconut water kefir is one of the foods high in potassium. cancerfightingfoods Res. Your family and friends will enjoy the taste and you can even mix this drink with a little sweetener if you prefer a sweeter taste. Close the lid tightly. In animal studies conducted at the Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnologys Natural Medicine Research Center, kefir was shown to reduce inflammatory cells disrupting the lungs and air passages, as well as reduce mucus buildup. Coconut as a whole food promotes a healthy immune system, contains anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-septic and anti-candida properties, and has been shown to boost liver and brain health. To make your kefir, in a blender, blend 1 serving of purchased kefir grains or 1 tablespoon of store bought coconut kefir with the coconut water. A: I recommend adults start with 1/4 cup coconut water kefir and children 1/2 - 1 Tbsp and slowly build up your tolerance to the high amount of probiotics you get with each cup. June 2022: Animal Law Updates that Improved the World for Animals this Month, 6 Natural Ways to Keep Your Pet Calm on the Fourth of July, 10 Things You Need to Know When Adopting a Senior or Special Needs Dog, BLISSFUL: Vegan Desserts and Treats to Feel Good and Live Deliciously, BLESSED: Plant-Based Recipes For the Most Magical Christmas Ever, GREATEST: Ultimate Plant-Based Recipes From Breakfast to Dessert. Blend for 30 seconds enough to warm up the mixture slightly. Coconut kefir is a potent health food thathas the ability to stay in your gut to provide internal healing and reduction of pathogens. OR I like to separate the coconut water kefir or yoghurt into 2x separate clean glass jars and top it up with fresh coconut water or coconut cream. In fact, a serving of coconut water contains just as much potassium as four bananas. Were more composed of bacteria than anything else, and within our bodies lies both good bacteria and bad bacteria. You can buy kefir grains from ebay or from online shops such as Happy Kombucha*. Mass production of kefir didnt begin until the mid 1900s in Russia, but 1.2 million tons of the fermented product was produced by the late 20th century. (10), In addition, one in-vitro test conducted at the School of Dietetics and Human Nutrition at the Macdonald Campus of McGill University in Canada showed that kefir reduced breast cancer cells by 56 percent (as opposed to yogurt strains that reduced cells by 14 percent). Add all ingredients to a 1.5L clean glass jar and stir all the ingredients together with a spatula.2. 12 Black-Owned Vegan Restaurants and Black Vegan Chefs in NYC, Captain Paul Watson Cuts Ties With Sea Shepherd USA After Disagreement of Organizations Path, Carriage Horse Found Dead in His Stall Amid NYCs Record Heatwave, Monarch Butterflies Officially Classified as Endangered As Milkweed Plants Decline, Officer Shot and Killed 15-Foot-Long Pet Snake That Was Strangling its Owner, School and Residents in Barcelona Team Up to Create a Solar Energy Community, Worlds First Named Heat Wave, Zoe, Hits Seville, Spain As Temperatures Soar Over 110 degrees Fahrenheit, In the Wake of SCOTUS Undermining the Environment, Heres How We the People Take Our Power Back, Sadhgurus Save Soil Movement Has Solution to Global Agricultural Land Degradation Presented at COP15, Why Bioenergy Cant Play a Meaningful Role in Tackling the Environmental Emergency. Coconut water kefir contains several major strains of friendly bacteria (Lactobacillus caucasus, Leuconostoc, Acetobacter species, and Streptococcus species) as well as beneficial yeasts, which support digestive function and immune health.