Shaw, Wm. S., Cabinet Manufacturer and Dealer. 101; Rec. Manner, G. C., Pianoforte Manufacturer, 311 and 315 Rivington st. Ohio st. and Rising Sun, 7. C., Carriage Manufacturer. 134 Columbian, Cumberland, Guernsey co Tuesday of f. m. 202 Pine Level, Pine Level, Montgomery, 1st and 3d Saturdays Telford, James, Manufacturer of Straw Bonnets and Hats, and Bonnet Frames, 903 North Second st. Mount Moriah, 155. Judd, Seymour L., Windsor, Broome Co. W. M. Windsor, 442; AURORA, DEARBORN CO. 117 St. Mary, Glasgow, Second Friday at any point in the future, and charge the current owner of the Non-Seat Option a Seat Option Fee to 16 Franklin, Highland, Iowa co 1st and 3d Saturdays Reese, W. J., P. M. Holden, Francis, Robertson, Wm. Gillies, James B., Flour, Feed, and Grain Store, Germantown road, Taylor, Amasa, Jr., Farmer, Albion. Putnam, 338. Drei Seraphim, Berlin ; Grand Page 514 201 Joppa, Brooklyn, Every Wednesday I..: Copies sent by mail, post paid, on reKeeps always on hadandca hasre snd ih aortment: ceipt of the price. Rogers, B. 407 Waverly, Waverly, Tioga co W. M. Richmond, 230; Harmony chap., 52; Jerusalem cor., 15. iRees, David, Miner. 17 Endeavor, Milton, Sussex co 2d and 4th Thursdays 235 Wm. Franklin coun., 14. 50. Van Rensselaer, 400; Apollo chap., 48; Seventh and First sts. Vermont, 116; M. of 1st Veil, Hazelrigg, H. G., Farming and R. Roading. 21 86 Mitchell, Columbus, Johnson co Friday before f. moon Hanson, Nicholas, Grocer, 82 Cherry st. S. D. Atlas, 316. 30 Modestia, Buffalo, Erie co 1st, 2d & 3d Thursdays Mill and Distillery. Goldene Mauer, Bautzen Bartlett, VVm. Luckey, Charles N., Publisher of the Amateur L. L. L. Miscellany and Chartered Jan. 14.,.A. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Fort Stephenson, 225; Leonard, C. H., Merchant. Lockwood, John A., Printer, Stationer, and Blank Book Manufacturer, No. TIME OF MEETING. 28; Swigert coun., 21. B., Pattern Maker, Clark, 101. Mount Vernon, 64; Huron chap., 7; College. HIRAM LODGE, No. before 4th Sunday Wood, Eli C., Flour and Grain Dealer, 10 Lewis st. Marshall Mount Chapman, Thos., Stew., Jones, A. S. Smith, Charles, Achaner, C. F. Mitchell, James D. 153 Clay, Richview, Washington co Monday on or bef. Tyler, Preston, E. S. Alford, L. A. 214 St. John's, Quebec, Second Wednesday P. M. Dayton, 147; Unity chap Corsan, Richd., Dyer, 27 John st. Arcturus, 274. Sec. S. WV. La Fidelite,' Ghent Arcana, 272; Ohio, 185 Rumsey, iRumsey, 1st Monday and 3d Sat. 235 Plano, Piano, Collin co Saturday pre. 62 Wall st. W. M. Adelphic, Taylor, W. H., Merchant. R. town, Scott Co., 273; Hopkinsville, f. m. Mason, A. S., Shipwriglt, Ohio st. opposite Washington square. 85 Sol, Rio de Janeiro (Corte) coun., 20. M. 3d Veil, Washington chap., 6. Graves, Frederick WV., Hotel Keeper. Montgomery, 19; MOUNTAIN LODGE, No. f.m. of the United States for 1856. P. S. Monroe, 22. Lippman, Meyer, Dry Goods, 17 Carmine st. cor. Rising Phoenix, 130. 191, Liverpool, England. Augusta zum Goldenen Zirkel, Gottingen I-Tmmnell, E., Hotel Keeper, Surveyor and Engineer. 3 Washington, Baltimore, 1st and 3d Thurs 113 Wilson, Waterford, Wednesday on or bef. Warren, Wim. Taylor, Capt. York and Sepviva. W. M. Callimachus, 369; P. K. Mexico 309 Fitch, How's Valley, Harden co 1st and 3d Saturdays 87 Markham Union, Maarkham, Tuesday on or before f. m. Les Amis des Parfaite Intelligence, Huy Page 256 B. Clark, Dr. John P. Graves, William, Builder. A., Jeweller, &c. Putnam, 46. Brooklyn chap., 148. Creigh, J. D., Attorney-at-law, San Francisco. Adams, E. H., Treas. 25 Mount Olivet, Carsville, Isle of Wight, do Dickerson, F. H. Hamilton, John, Morrison, D. H. Rogers, Jas. La Paix, Guadaloupe, Pointe-a-Pitre chap., 159. 423 Vitruvian, Ross, Herefordshire, First Monday. Allen, Amos D., S. W., Beach, B. 1. 744 Carrigallen, Leitrim co Knobelach, J. Solomon's, 1. Fourth and Carolina sts. 459 Urbana, Urbana, Steuben co Smith, George, Manufacturer of Flour and Linseed Oil. 4 Razao, Cuyaba (Matto Grosso) Marion, 70; Treas. Fuller, WVilliam, Williams, Isaac C. Knowlton, Samuel, A. Bailey, Israel, Day Chas. 337 Greenbush, Greenbush, Rensselaer co 45 Union, Lima, Livingston co Wedn. chap., 48; Springfield coun. 39 Richland, Columbia, 131 Belmont, Belmont, Gonzales co Third Saturday Lafayette, 64. Page 273 Hammond, Joseph C. Jr., Bookkeeper New-England Co. Ex-Sec'y Phoenix, 130; C. of H. chap. Buckles, Jos. 616 Orphan, Rio de Janeiro, First Tuesday 119 Goshen, Goshen, Clermont co Friday on or aft. Brush, J. T., Broker, 56 Merchants' Exchange. 1803 St. Mark's, Newburyport, Tuesday on or bef. Cohn, Monits, lanufacturer Ladies Dress Trimmings, 89 Liberty st. 197 Bryantsville, Bryantsville, 2d and 4th Mondays Williams, John F., Real Estate Broker, 442 Eighth av. Kerr, R. A. O., Sec. 185 Sandy Creek, Franklin, First Saturday Bernard, Lcuis, Baker, I Richard st. King Solomon's Primitive, 91. Mauthe, William, Eoff, J. R. Finnegan, G. Bap. 251 Heyworth, Heyworth, Mercer co Tuesday on or bf. Huggins, G. M., Physician and Surgeon. Schlussel, Nathan, Importer and Jobber in Dry and Fancy Goods, 44 Sherwood, J. F., 405 N. Salina st. Syracuse, 102; Syracuse chap., 70.. 7; Cushintr coun., 4.; Palestine encpt., 6; Capt. LODGE. Usher, Hiram, Miller and Grain Dealer. Mount Moriah, 28. Hames, Geo. McClelland, George, Farrier. 47 Preston, Jonesville, Lee co Third Monday 57 Santa Rosa, Santa Rosa, Sonoma Friday before f. moon ; Boston Kerr, James, Physician. Reifn, Daniel H., Coal Merchant. S. W. Hohenlinden, 56; Nassau chap., 109. Westfall, John, Importer, 194 South st. Pythagoras, 86. Considering the vastness of the undertaking, and Rose Croix; Second Lieut. f.m. Chaplain Cyrus, 208. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Briggs, J. W., -House, Sign, and Decorative Painter, 23 Third ave. 115 Corunna, Corunna, Grand Chap. R. W. F. B. Braun, Grand Steward. 409 Commonwealth, Brooklyn, King's co Every Tuesday Page 252 1822 Warren, Amesbury, Wed. on or nearest f. m. Ottarson, Franklin J., Editor, 168 East Twenty-first st. New-York, JACKSON, JACKSON CO. Rogers, H. C., 23 and 24 Fulton Fish Market. P., Carpenter and House Builder. GRAND LODGE OF GERMA.NY, BERLIN-SWEDISII-SYSTEM. LODGE. Lusk, G. W. Porter, E. H. Selkrigg, K. 11; Lancaster coun., 4; Lancaster com., 2. Clark, Jas. 218 John E. Craven, Dresden, Navarro co Saturday on or aft. 252 Aledo, Aledo, Mercer co Tuesday on or b. f. m. Ferdinand, Bookkeeper, Mercantile Mutual Insurance Cox, Edward, H. P. Watters, J. C., Guard, Arnold, H. Page 396 M., North American and TI. Reed, James A., M. D., Dentist, 188 Third av. Dock and Water sts. P. M. Wayne, 25; P. K. Wayne chap., 19. Bond, C. T., Merchant, New Albany. 345 Lodi; Lodi, Seneca co Rising Star, 450. King Solomon's, 896, E. R., 38 P. R. I-I., Treas. 554 St. David's, Berwick, First Tuesday. J., Gilder, 270 River st. Apollo, 13. Carhart, H. C. Aumon, M. W. Shorrock, Wim. L'Union Africaine, Oran Grand Secretary of Grand Lodge of Brulnet, Diro. 19 Bond-St., New-York. f. m. Leland, James P., Manufacturer of Axe, Pick-Adze Handles, Spokes, Chambers, Hugh D. Johnson, J. W. Shanks, Henry, 59 *Corinthian. Ames, John H., Machinist, Allaire Iron Works. W. M. Franklin, 10; Deputy Pacific, 233. 14 Manchester, Manchester, Saturday on or bef. Goshen, 12; Indianopolis chap., 5. White 237 Laguardo, Laguardo, Wilson co 2d and 4th Mondays Jacques De Molay Corn., 2 Sov.'. Flynn, J. P. Alber, George, Thomas, M. J. 87 Washington, Greenfield, Dade co do do Pulaski, Mt. Taylor, Douglas, Printer, 179 West Thirty-seventh st. NewYork, 330. st. Cassia, 445. 72 Peace and Harmony, London, Fourth Thursday. Charter Oak, 249. B., W. M. Grigor, J. H. Wilson, Rev. Chartered October 29th, A. L., 5851. Lexington, 310. COLUMBUS, BARTHOLOMEW CO. M. Walhalla, 66; H. P. Germania chap., 12; South Carolina encpt., 1. Root, W. T. Treas. Star, 345. Sec'y Occidental, 22; R. A. M. San 82 Mount Moriah, Statesville, Second Friday 11 Camden, Camden, Ouachita co 1st and 3d Saturdays 201 Richland, Plymouth, Richland co Monday before f. m. Charity, 144; Northumberland chap., 174. WV., Accountant. 1818 St. Alban's Foxboro', Thursday on or b. f. m. 455 462 Peace and Harmony, Rumsey, Wednesday near f, m. 28 Antrim, "Monday on or bef. I-Iaven, M., Jr. Hanna, George, Evening Star, 44;Steuben chap., Auggust 10, 1855, A. L. 5853, year of discovery, 2835; 40 members. 102 Mount Brydges, Mount Brydges, Third Monday Blair, Robert, late Mayor, Clothing Merchant. MeClelland, T. A., Clerk. Van Giesen, M., Builder. Eastlack, Jno. S. W. United States, 207. Parker, W. F., W. M., Ebeling, Wm. Bridges, Albert, Railroad Furnishing Materials, 64 Cortlandt st. 158 Jeremiah, Horn Lake, De Soto co Third Saturday Warren, 51. Vestal, Jos. Mark, 214. 115 Rising Sun, Hainesville, Lake co Wednesd'y on or b. f. m. W. M. Mt. 131 Industry, do Second Monday 7 Eastern, Eastport, First Monday of or prec'g f.m. P.M. Washington, P. M. Oscar Coles, 241; Apollo LOCATION. 433 Fort Plain, Fort Plain, Montgomery co of R. A. M. of Ohio; P. G. S. W. of Sommers, J. Tipton, 33; Logan chap., 2. Page 436 Navigator, 232. Page 323 Fourteenth st. anna, 61; P. H. P. Wabash chap., 26; Broadway and Barclay st. J. W. Venus, 152; Mansfield chap., 28. 87 Jay, Jay Court House, Martin, L. B., Proprietor De Paw House. Stark, John B. W., Cooper. O'Donnell, C., P. M. Brastow, Louis C. Thompson, Newton, KEITI- LODGE, No. Conover, George W., Ship Carpenter, northwest cor. 330; Phoenix chap., 2. Shultz, Emanuel, Gebhart, Jacob L. Banter, S. I., Bellville, Hendricks Co. Kensing-ton, 211; Girard Mark, 214. Valley, 109. 267 Sydney, New South Wales 1 Missouri, St. Louis, 1st and 3d Thursdays 225 San Saba, San Saba, Fourth Saturday Hatstat, Geo. Wellington, 127; Marshal St. John's, 219; their liberal subscriptions to the UNIVERSAL MASONIC RE.CORD. Brannan, B. F., 31 and 33 Pearl st. Cincinnati, 133. Hale, Phil. 2d & 4tl Mond. 110 Capitol, Des Moines, Polk co Tuesday on or bef. Lyon 280 Kansas, Kansas, Elg Oa co Thursday on or bf. LODOE. Cunningham, Wm. Hull, Peter C., Architect and Builder. Hart, J. 117 Killinchy, Down co French, J. G., Central House, 21 and 23 New Bowery, Hotel 94 Eggleston, H. L., S. D. Gremps, Peter, Stimson, F. Willitts, Elias, Attorney-at-law, Keithsburg. 56 Mlount Moriah, Denmark, Wednesday on or bef. 265 Morrow, Morrow, Warren co Saturday after f. m. 87 New Salem, New Salem, Rusk co Saturday after f. moon ; P. M. Putnam, 46; Montgomery coun., 2; Washington