Good monitoring and evaluation design during project preparation is a much broader exercise than just the development of indicators. The last thing you want is to work with outdated information, which is exactly the kind of issue that M Booth, a digital PR agency in New York City, experienced. It also has a list of indicators that will be collected and analyzed.The toolkit has a great compendium of good FP indicators.In all these steps and processes, it is important to engage stakeholders in every step of the program planning and implementation as well as monitoring and evaluation. Evaluation approaches presented by hari bhusal, Evavluation of large scale health programs. Generally, Time-series designslook for changes over time to determine trends. Design a community outreach program where health workers visit homes and address the contraceptive needs of familiesBefore carrying out the full-fledged intervention, the intervention is carried out in a neighborhood of the village as a pilot project. 4. Dont stop there though. Blockchain + AI + Crypto Economics Are We Creating a Code Tsunami? In Mexico, for example, the Second Decentralization and Regional Development Project plans to incorporate monitoring of implementation into its regular management procedures. Figure 1-1 is a framework for project monitoring and evaluation from the World Bank technical paper: Monitoring and Evaluating Urban Development Programs, A Handbook for Program Managers and Researchers. Please join us in the Q&A being moderated by Gretchen. Goals are important for any project because they act as a guide. Types of Evaluation (chart) Use of project design tools such as the logframe (logical framework) results in systematic selection of indicators for monitoring project performance. Answering these questions is what project monitoring and evaluating is all about. Just one part breaking down can cause delays and financial losses. An example given in the World Bank Technical Paper, Monitoring and Evaluating Urban Development Programs, A Handbook for Program Managers and Researchers by Michael Bamberger, describes a monitoring study that, by way of rapid survey, was able to determine that the amount of credit in a micro credit scheme for artisans in Brazil was too small. Ownership brings accountability. Reducing dropout and improving learning achievement: School/community organizations would be fully functional for at least half the schools, and dropout rates would be reduced to less than 10 percent. Instead, a narrow focus on input and process indicators missed the fundamental change in the assumptions behind the project. checklist evaluation project template templates plan word pdf wikimedia upload Institutional arrangements for gathering, analyzing, and reporting project data, and for investing in capacity building, to sustain the M&E service. Evaluating why a project is heading off course allows time for intervention. Information on these indicators comes largely from accounting and management records. Heres an example of how the team at monitors and manages project implementation in real-time: Monitoring performance in real-time enables you to track each team members progress and allocate resources accordingly. Good M&E should develop the capacity of the borrower and build on existing systems. Project monitoring is all about comparing actual performance to the goals you set. monitoring evaluation investment learning plan performance framework elements improvement national Heres some framework and steps you can follow to get started. At the same time, they should explain how and why the indicators will be useful to field, intermediate, and senior levels of project management. But you need to collect the right data and assess the results to find the answers. Table 1-1 explains the various types of evaluation and when they are performed (Monitoring and Evaluating Urban Development Programs, A Handbook for Program Managers and Researchers). Such comparisons may depend on the maintenance of national systems of vital statistics, or national surveys. Objectives should be set and indicators selected in consultation with stakeholders, so that objectives and targets are jointly owned. We visit all homes, identify pregnant women and children <14 years and provide them with vouchers for ITNs. Learning achievements in language and mathematics in the final year of primary school would be increased by 25 percent over baseline estimates. During project implementation, policy decisions about currency exchange rates and direct access by privately owned rice mills to overseas buyers adversely affected the profitability of private mills. : How to Move Forward When We're Divided (About Basically Everything), High Conflict: Why We Get Trapped and How We Get Out, World War C: Lessons from the Covid-19 Pandemic and How to Prepare for the Next One, Second Nature: Scenes from a World Remade, Test Gods: Virgin Galactic and the Making of a Modern Astronaut, A Brief History of Motion: From the Wheel, to the Car, to What Comes Next, The Metaverse: And How It Will Revolutionize Everything, An Ugly Truth: Inside Facebooks Battle for Domination, System Error: Where Big Tech Went Wrong and How We Can Reboot, The Wires of War: Technology and the Global Struggle for Power, The Quiet Zone: Unraveling the Mystery of a Town Suspended in Silence. You can then take those insights and use them to optimize processes for future projects. Program Planning, 5. A structured set of indicators, covering outputs of goods and services generated by the project and their impact on beneficiaries. control management project controlling monitoring wikipedia projects activities manage planning steps adults adhd them cycle process managing business change courses If this is left to the researchers, the studies may tend to be too academic and not as useful to project management. How Monitoring and Evaluation Findings Can Be Fed Back into Decision Making. A recent example of a grain storage project in Myanmar demonstrates the importance of monitoring risk indicators. against your goals to ensure youre on the right track. Using Organizational Network Analysis to Plan and Evaluate Global Health Prog Understanding Referral Networks for Adolescent Girls and Young Women, Data for Impact: Lessons Learned in Using the Ripple Effects Mapping Method, Local Capacity Initiative (LCI) Evaluation, Development and Validation of a Reproductive Empowerment Scale. This meant that some employees were working with outdated data. Implementing integrated community case management: stakeholder experiences an Jennifer Rayner - 2015 CACHC Conference Presentation. Participatory methods of data collection can bring new insights into peoples needs for project planning and implementation, but are no less demanding on skills than questionnaire surveys. The process of selecting indicators for monitoring is a test of the soundness of project objectives and can lead to improvements in project design. If youre not hitting milestones (e.g., delivering a prototype within a specified time), the project has a high chance of failure. Results from the implementation database will be analyzed in order to target field reviews and a mid-term review. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. closeout 68kb But problems arose when one platform was updated and the other wasnt. Capacity building is widely acknowledged to be important but is often poorly defined. Costs might exceed the initial budget, team members might miss their deadlines due to scope creep, a stakeholder may suddenly back out, etc. evaluation program framework health cdc policy social stakeholders general practice standards steps engaging clinical performance impact services measurement development gov Everything would be completed on time and within budget. Monitor the efficiency with which the different components of the project are being implemented and suggest improvements. What were some of the setbacks? It means: upgrading skills in monitoring and evaluation, which include project analysis, design of indicators and reporting systems, socioeconomic data collection, and information management; improving procedures, to create functional systems that seek out and use information for decisions; and strengthening organizations to develop skilled staff in appropriate positions, accountable for their actions. Its important because it lets you keep tabs on a project and identify potential problems. Project monitoring and evaluation lets you keep tabs on projects, evaluate their progress, and improve processes. Where there is a choice, it is usually better to piggyback project-specific regular surveys on to existing national or internationally supported surveys than to create a new data collection facility. Input indicators are used mainly by managers closest to the tasks of implementation, and are consulted frequently, as often as daily or weekly. OR you could conduct a needs assessment in the village of interest by surveying village leaders and community members.In this example, the results would show-A greater need for access to a large range of modern contraceptive methodsThe toolkit describes how to conduct a needs assessment for your question of interest. Monitoring and Evaluation: What Can They Do for Me? The villagers in this control village have similar sociodemographic characteristics than those in the intervention village. The results of this needs assessment would show that there is a limited use of ITNs due to lack of knowledge and high cost of ITNs.The toolkit outlines examples of other potential data sources that can be used to identify a health problem within a specified region and also states the strengths and limitations of each of the data sources. Proposals for the ways in which M&E findings will be fed back into decision making. Looks like youve clipped this slide to already. Lets take a closer look at these two concepts. The results will show that there is a high prevalence of malaria and low use of ITNs.We can also conduct a needs assessment by selecting a few homes in a village and interviewing some community members within the selected homes. Thus, for example, a health project might be designed to further the sectoral goals of a reduction in child mortality and incidence of infectious diseases, but have an immediate, measurable objective of providing more equitable access to health services.