This creates a continuous Smart Grid blanket of electromagnetic radiation in neighborhoods for the purpose of efficient wireless transfer of household data on energy use to the main utility carrier for billing and data analysis. Utilities around the country are installing smart meters as fast as they possibly can. . Unlike most other sites dealing with these topics, Tech Wellness vets all posts through a panel of world renowned experts and independently purchases and tests products that claim to offer protection. Robert States describes the many dilemmas with Smart Meters including health, privacy and home security. Dr. Martin Pall, Professor Emeritus at Washington State University and author of many papers on EMR on cellular structures, testifies June 20, 2017 in Massachusetts on Smart Meter bill SB1864. I think if you take the "better safe than sorry position," we will all be healthier and happier. Dr. Martin Pall Testimony in Massachusetts on Smart Meters. Bioelectromagnetics. I linked a few below for a head-start, but I honestly don't know the impact they've had. The Top 10 EMF Protection Tips That began her journey to learn more and share what she learned with others. She began her wellness journey over 25 years ago, when as a young mother and the busy Co-CEO of a successful advertising agency, August developed symptoms which she later identified as electro-magnetic sensitivity or ES. The electrician measured 296.5 microVolts at water meter and at gas meter. I have constant headaches, unless I am in nature. Dr. Conrad, who received a Biochemistry degree from John Hopkins University and completed post graduate work at the Institute of Molecular Biophysics of Florida State University and in the Department of Biochemistry of Cornell University, gave clear and compelling expert testimony to the Maine Public Utilities Commission in 2013 regarding Smart Meters. They first sent a letter explaining the safety of smart meters. AlisonMain. I went from being a perfectly healthy 35 year old to being electrically sensitive in a matter of weeks. Not only are you going to be saying farewell to your meter reader guy, you'll also probably be paying more for power every monthsome people say it's a LOT more because the utility can closely monitor your usage many times during the day, and charge you accordingly. In the meantime, keep your beds and main working/living areas at least 10 feet away(20 or more is better!) They state they had signed a notarized document requesting removal of smart meters and replacement with analogue meters. Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) levels are continual and high. Something must be done.. Many in the medical field believe that pregnant women and their unborn children, very young children, teenagers, men of a reproductive age, seniors, and anyone with a chronic health condition are those who are an especially high risk of harm from exposure. Like WiFi, the energy is strongest at the source and then dissipates as you get further away. If the smart meter is placed too close to a gas line there could be arcing with resultant explosion. Cybersecurity is an ongoing problem, despite encryption. Updated for 2022! The hackers are keeping up with more sophisticated technology. But you should know. Richard Conrad, PhD, a John Hopkins biochemist, performed a health symptom survey of residents in Maine after installation of smart meters in 2012, in response to reports of neurologic symptoms in residents after the smart meters were placed . Put all this together with such devices as automated license plate readers, surveillance cameras, facial recognition technology, and you construct a detailed record of a persons movements and activities.. Now my wife and I search for a safe place to live and I look back fondly on the days I could use a computer without symptoms. Eight fires were documented by The Coalition to Stop Smart Meters in British Columbia. If you're an expert and would like to be a part of our growing list, please email us The family was forced to pay $415. Her first videos on the subject were published over a dozen years ago. The limitations of this condition are extraordinary. New Smart monitoring equipment has been placed on streetlights in San Diego to monitor the sounds and sights of those in the city, as well as temperature, humidity and air pollution which will be uploaded to AT&T cloud. Ceramic magnets appear to generate a static charge because ceramic friction is not grounded. Keep in mind that smart meter transmissions are not constant, and the readings can fluctuate. My gut says I should. I live in a 700 sq ft condo with neighbors on 4 sides I dont think I can escape! This could account for the symptoms felt by many when Smart Meters are placed. 10 Best EMF Protection Tips. Invasive surveillance makes consumers and the ACLU uncomfortable. Nor do I know how much longer I will be able to live in a city or town with a cell phone tower. Fast Connection, No Wireless Needed! Privacy of utility billing and usage has been a consumer priority. Experienced engineer and lecturer Rob States describes below how Smart Meters and the mesh network is created in neighborhoods. Smart Meter Opt Out Laws in 24 States Massachusetts is one of the most recent states to consider a similar Bill- S1684 Smart Meter Opt Out Massachusetts. The safety of all wireless devices is really questionable. Senator Colbeck notes there is no substantial harm in letting people have a choice. He describes the key issues with development of electrosensitivity symptoms after the installation of Smart Meters, reporting on his own Smart meter survey. Certain digital meters have been shown to create dirty electricity through your homes electrical wiring. Despite no studies on Smart Meters these are now placed on our homes without our consent or choice. Imagine a car quietly driving down your street that can pick up the Smart Meter transmissions and use that to decide which homes to break into! The family was forced to pay $415. This is another potential risk. He notes that scientist Dr. Robert Becker, who studied basic science of EMR and wrote The Body Electric warns, I have no doubt in my mind that at the present time the greatest polluting element in the earths environment is the proliferation of electromagnetic fields. IoT devices have unique signature loads and this information can be linked to personal information useful to police but also to others for surveillance purposes. Dr. Lamech, however, examined a government survey in Victoria, Australia looking at symptoms development after smart meters were installed. According to an interviewwith aformer Wellington Energy employeewho installed smart meters, there was improper training. We believe there is a cumulative effect of exposure so be aware, unlike your cell phone or WiFi router, you are not able to turn off a smart meter, or your neighbor's meter, or the related neighborhood utility wireless antennas that communicate in the smart network. After removing any ineligible participants without confirmed address, she took a survey of symptoms reported after the smart meters were placed. The amount of RF energy emitted drops significantly the further away you are from the source. That's why, if you have a smart meter you want to distance yourself from wall wiring and outlets to avoid dirty electricity exposures. A constellation of symptoms of electrosensitivity that were reported as severe included fatigue, insomnia, difficulty concentrating, headaches, agitation, ringing in the ears, pressure in the head, tingling burning skin, heart racing, arrhythmia, memory problems. He quotes former CIA Director James Woolsley, A so called Smart Grid that is as vulnerable as what weve got is not smart at all. Utilities in all states have been replacing decades old but still perfectly functioninganalogue meters with so-called Smart Meters on peoples homes for the purpose of wirelessly reading electricity use by sending radio frequency signals to neighboring houses which then are sent to local nodes and then to the local utility. What would the probability of harm have to be to be prevent deployment? Electric Monitoring: In 2012 A San Diego Woman filed a lawsuit after her Smart Meter was installed and she became ill with symptoms typical of electrosensitivity. I went from being a perfectly healthy 35 year old to being electrically sensitive in a matter of weeks. These concerns include privacy, health, accurate pricing and data hacking on usage profiles. Some people have to leave there homes due to immediate severe adverse symptoms. Check out what experts say are. Moreover, the RF radiation from some wireless smart meters is a concern because the radiation is so persistent and powerful. Using a cell phone for calls or internet functions has become impossible. Dr. Conrad notes, If a government agency or a corporation was forcing the deployment of technology on citizens that was known in advance to cause disability or significant harm to one out of every 100 citizens, would this amount of harm be acceptable or would it be cause to halt such deployment? She is a patent holder, along with Dr. Carlo on a device designed to protect users from the RF radiation put out by our smart phones. Nevertheless their probative value is far more limited compared with experimental studies. Palo Alto Weekly. California court documents indicate that each of these meters issues RF radiation pulses averaging about 10,000 times per day, and up to a maximum of 190,000 times per day, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! He dispels the myths of electrosensitivity and provides scientific evidence that electrosensitivity in NOT a nocebo effect. Once a person becomes sensitized to microwave radiation, life becomes completely different, and difficult. who is disabled by electromagnetic sensitivity, unlawful surcharges against a disabled person, (ADA Title II Technical Assistance Manual, II-1.3000 Relationship to title III), She explained that EMF-emitting devices cause her disabling health effects. These are especially noted when Smart Meters are installed near where peoples heads are in the bedroom. Michigan Senator Patrick J. Colbeck Speaks in Support of Smart Meter Choice for Opt Out, Nov 10, 2016. Smart Meters placed on homes appear to have a particularly devastating effect on health as this pulsed non-ionizing radiation is transmitted through household wiring, creating widespread local fields of what is termed dirty electricity (Dirty electricity EMF Analysis) Although aiming to connect wirelessly to our appliances and Internet of Things Appliances that are now being sold, this disharmonic mix of frequencies from both wired and wireless sources can affect our biological functioning. In Northern California you can call Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) Opt Out Program at 1-866-743-0263 and ask to Opt Out or call your local utility. We came across this research report by Ronald Powell, Ph.D. Maintain A Smart Distance From Your Smart Phone, Laptops and WiFi is the Best and Cheapest EMF Protection I've got a quick WiFi Video Demo and the BEST switch to turn it off quick and easy while keeping a healthy distance. Although there is a growing body of peer reviewed evidence that wireless non-ionizing microwave electromagnetic radiation is harmful to all living organisms at high and low exposures and to all organ systems there is virtually no research on Smart Meters themselves. Thanks! By August 2013, 142 people had reported adverse health effects from wireless smart meters by submitting information on an Australian public Web site using its health and legal registers.. Is there a typo here? Warren Woodward worked with Paul, who brought in RF meters,Grahm Stetzer and ossiliscopes to measure the not just radiation but also the dirty electricity using meters and to detect high voltage transients which travel on the wire. The question remains, however the Truckee Donner PUD aims to have the least amount of RF in their community as possible. They also allow Opt Outs to any of itscustomers and they do not force this untested technology on their residents. This non-scientific observational testimonial video from EMF demonstrates what scientists have found with non-thermal cell tower radiation effects on trees. My ears ring if I am within miles of a cell tower. My ears ring if I am within miles of a cell tower. Both are the same brand. Augusts passion is to bring mindfulness and balance to our relationship with technology. You can try to opt out of having a smart meter and use an older non-wireless meter (which gives off almost no energy). Each writer is expressing his or her own opinions and they are not necessarily the opinions of the group at large or of any employer of individuals of the group. Wireless Technology Forum Dec 4, 2018: To view the entire speaker series and panel discussion go here, Electrical Engineer Bill Bathgate on Health and Safety Issues with Smart Meters, Dec 4, 2018. Hundreds of CIA and State Department employees all around the world have been attacked and injured over the last several Our Hard Wire Internet Kit Has Everything You Need! At time 1:17:15 A doctor discusses her electrosensitivity and the lack of knowledge and respect for her condition from DTE when her power was shut off because of her refusal to have a Smart Meter. Why? She found host of adverse physical health symptoms. the SMART WATER meter, disturbs sense of balance and mental concetration along with tight chest difficult to breathe. Note that municipalitiesvary even in states to allow opting out of Smart Meters. This is despite the fact that these levels are well below the ICNIRP Guidelinesthat are considered safe. Augusts mission is to be a trusted resource for people searching for balance with their technology. Informative. In 2011, the World Health Organization placed this frequency range in the possible human carcinogen category. No advanced notice was given according to the residents. 2016 Physicians for Safe Technology ( This limitation arises directly from the logical structure of epidemiological studies. He has authored many studies and articles on electromagnetic effects that can be found at his website, Testimony Kirstin Beatty to the Massachusetts PUC outlining issues with Smart Meter infrastructure-Letter Kirstin Beatty Mass Public Utilitites Modernization 8:29:2020, In this 2012 video below, high level retired military expert Jerry Flynn explains the history of military uses of pulsed electromagnetic radiation (radar) and reviews why wireless devices we use including smart meters, cell phones, baby monitors, Wi Fi routers that use pulsed 2.4GHz RF are harmful to biological processes and linked to chronic illness.