All in the interest of serving multinational companies and international capital with no particular loyalty to the United States. The companies get rich, and American taxpayers have subsidized the creation of low-wage foreign jobs. My Administration will pursue fundamental, structural changes in our government’s approach to the economy, finally putting American workers and middle-class prosperity ahead of multinational profits and Wall Street bonuses. Joe Biden and Donald Trump need 270 electoral votes to reach the White House. My Green Public Housing program will build on the Green New Deal for Public Housing Act, by raising living standards and providing the financial assistance necessary to retrofit these homes. Mr. Biden also issued a plan to combat climate change on Tuesday, including a pledge to invest $1.7 trillion in green energy programs over 10 years. The Department will be responsible for creating a National Jobs Strategy (NJS) every four years, just as countries like Germany and China produce regular strategic plans. America’s water infrastructure is crumbling. Our nation's dams, levees, and inland waterways provide necessary infrastructure for shipping and hydroelectric power -- but they’ve been so underfunded that they are putting our communities at risk. Some people blame “globalization” for flat wages and American jobs shipped overseas. And it will expand opportunities for communities and the private sector by directing funds toward communities on the front lines of the climate crisis that have traditionally been left out of investment opportunities.Â. These ambitious targets will require us to ramp up renewable energy generation and deployment dramatically. That’s why my plan to Defend and Create American Jobs calls for a tenfold increase in investments in apprenticeships -- a $20 billion commitment over the next ten years. No — America chose to pursue a trade policy that prioritized the interests of capital over the interests of American workers.

It will provide security for investors looking for climate-friendly investments in mid- to large-scale infrastructure projects that serve the public interest but might not otherwise attract private capital due to risk-return thresholds, payback horizons, credit risk or other factors. “We need to be all in to fight this climate crisis,” she said to applause. They will also come from making homes, offices, and industries more energy efficient. These local or regional sector training partnerships would help align training with the local job market, leverage the community college system, and, by designing training based on an entire sector, ensure that workers gain skills that are transferable across employers. [Make sense of the people, issues and ideas shaping American politics with our newsletter.]. Politicians love to say they care about American jobs. The Council of Economic Advisors later reported that every $1 invested in clean energy leveraged an additional $1.60 in non-federal and private dollars. The investment plan includes a “Green Apollo Plan” that would create a National Institutes of Clean Energy, a “Green Industrial Mobilization” that would push federal spending toward American-made renewable energy technology, and a “Green Marshall Plan” that would promote those products abroad. In a post on Medium, Ms. Warren criticized previous administrations, Republican and Democratic, for putting the interests of corporations above the American people.