I can't tell if this performance difference is related to the structure of the graph or simply the data set isn't big enough to get a benefit from the GPU given the IO overhead? Running a number of mathematical computations like this in an IDE also allows you to set breakpoints, stop the execution and see intermediate results. The remaining overheads are due to the necessary steps required to launch each graph on the GPU, and we expect to further reduce these with future improvements to CUDA. The newly inserted code enables execution through use of a CUDA Graph. I have been looking at upgrading my GTX 950, but not sure it makes sense if I don't get a speed improvement.

If it is of value, I can create a "tensorboard" log file so you can review the model in detail. This was unexpected and I have disabled the GPU using "export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=-1" so the learning runs faster. This is not possible in TensorFlow, what you actually do is specifying the computations that will be done. We can make a simple but very effective improvement on the above code, by moving the synchronization out of the innermost loop, such that it only occurs after every timestep instead of after every kernel launch: The kernels will still execute in order (since they are in the same stream), but this change allows a kernel to be launched before the previous kernel completes, allowing launch overhead to be hidden behind kernel execution.

Something did improve as the overall difference between the CPU & GPU on the Original Solution is much closer than a week again where I was seeing 47s CPU vs 71s GPU . Play with inter_op_parallelism_threads to a smaller number. By clicking “Sign up for GitHub”, you agree to our terms of service and

Included in these lists are CPUs designed for servers and workstations (such as Intel Xeon and AMD EPYC/Opteron processors), desktop CPUs (Intel Core … So, the gaps between the kernels can be attributed to a combination of CPU and GPU launch overheads. The Graph is run in a Session, where you specify what operations to execute in the run-function. When creating the graph, you have the possibility to explicitly specify where the computations should be done, on the GPU or CPU. nivwusquorum's Github Reinforcement Learning Example, Undefined Inputs on MatMul in Trace File (GPU Only). Performance Analysis and CPU vs GPU Comparison for Deep Learning Abstract: Deep learning approaches are machine learning methods used in many application fields today. First, let’s write a compute kernel as follows: This simply reads an input array of floating point numbers from memory, multiplies each element by a constant factor, and writes the output array back to memory.

Unfortunately, neither of these version caused the CPU to outperform the GPU. So this code "cpuvsgpu.py" with the supporting libraries performs better with the GPU. For example, 7000 x 7000 matmul is something that is very good for GPU. B. The CPU is a dual XEON 6 core, 2.66 GHz processors (24 threads total) with 72 GB or RAM (DDR3). In this tutorial we will do simple simple matrix multiplication in TensorFlow and compare the speed of the GPU to the CPU, the basis for why Deep Learning has become state-of-the art in recent years. On 7/15/2016 I did a "git pull" to head for Tensorflow.