But that may be changing. Sequestration/ recycling of Co2 by “regrowing” trees timeline of “20-30” years is both optimistic and unhelpful anyway given our acute need to cut Co2 emissions yesterday. “With intermittent wind and solar,” biomass is well positioned to provide peak load instead of base load, Junginger said. However, the

But if there aren’t any loggers around to cut the wood, that won’t happen. Ano ang pinagkaiba ng komunikasyon noon at ngayon?

As with many large agricultural systems, economic wishes override environmental concerns and many people are concerned about turning forests into the arboreal equivalent of a monoculture. Natural gas is the safest and cleanest fossil fuel.

Biomass is not only used to generate electricity as it is also able to produce heat.

But being a fossil fuel, it is non-renewable. But if policymakers consider that climate change is “a matter of decades and centuries” then biomass has a role to play in mitigating climate change, he claimed. Once there are fewer reserves of natural gas, it will create chaos all over the world.

But sorting out “good” from “bad” biomass is notoriously tricky. And our forests do have to be managed, whether we like it or not. In advance of Thursday’s vote by the Legislature – they’re deciding whether to override the governor’s veto of bills that support existing biomass electricity plants – here are what years of reporting on the question has led me to believe are the three key points in deciding whether biomass energy should be seen as environmentally “good” or “bad.” I’ll give my conclusions at the end. Countries all over the world still rely significantly on natural gas for their energy needs, and this reliance will also keep increasing for decades to come.

To bring climate benefits, biomass needs to come from low-value wood residues or smaller trees coming from timber harvests – not from high-value trees that could be used in products like furniture or construction material, Jenkins said.

As already stated above, natural gas is continuously depleting with constant use.

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Biomass production does not involve heavy capital expenditure when compared to natural gas. Natural gas, as its name suggests, is only available in gaseous form. So for now, reluctantly, I’d say that burning wood for power is good for our environment.

As biomass is a product of organic waste, there could still be more conversion process which one can tap with advancement in technology.

So, why is biomass a better alternative to natural gas? If woodland owners can’t get income from a local timber harvest every couple of decades, they’ll have much more incentive to sell the land so something can be built on it, which is the worst case from an environmental point of view.

Natural gas reserves are not found everywhere in the world. When you burn biomass, the CO2 goes into the atmosphere. To hold warming to this limit, carbon pollution must fall to ‘net zero’ by 2050, according to scientists at the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

5 Biomass Cons.

Biomass played “a substantial role” in the coal-free run that the UK electricity sector enjoyed in May and June this year, said Rebecca Heaton, head of climate change at Drax, a British power station running on biomass and coal. For example,stabilizing the climate,providing natural fertilization, providing biodiversity and pollinating crops.

Want our celebrated digest of weekly news straight to your inbox? The energy produced from biomass is clean and causes less pollution compared to natural gas. Required fields are marked *. Biomass is a renewable energy source.

Your email address will not be published. So it’s very possible that without a good biomass market, our forests will end up in worse shape.

There are only specific locations where they occur.