Funny that we were in PVR at the same time.

Walk forward as far as is safe, make your cast, then back up while watching the waves. Armed with 5-inch Jointed Red Fins in gold-and-black and gold-and-orange, we cast and popped the lure hard so that it would dive like a baitfish, then slowly resurface. Cabo San Lucas, Los Cabos, Baja California Sur, Mexico. Surf Fishing, A Shore Thing, It’s time to think outside the boat.

3/4 – 1 oz? We layover at the Sheraton… Thanks!! were you from shore? This is one of the most sought after and the largest of our surf species, and they can put up quite a fight. on going and what species your primary target is going to be.

That was a 4 inch fly that I fished about 1 foot ahead of a 2 ounce chrome Deadly Dick.

They don’t get too big, but they do show up in big numbers. Once they have found their meal, they slash into the school of bait, causing an oil slick on the surface, and can often be spotted because of the number of small bait trying to jump out of the way. Our main targets are Pompano and Whiting but many other species are available including Redfish, Blue Fish, Ladyfish, Blue Runners, Spanish, Black Drum, Sharks, Sheepshead and Bonita. Sierra are the beach angler’s staple in the winter, when the water cools down. Cabo San Lucas – San Jose del Cabo, Los Cabos, Mexico. It is usually done by casting a lure or bait from shore and refers to all different types of shore fishing. Retrieve lures quickly—there’s no such thing as too fast. If your one of those people that likes having their own gear on hand, we're going to try and help out with our own tackle recommendations. Photo on right, © 2010, Joseph A. Tyson, From top: Big Mouth Popper (popper), Bally-Hoo (high-speed top-water plug), Sardine (jigging spoon), Cabo Killer (fast-retrieve top-water plug), Swim bait. Upon arriving at the beach, scan the area for signs of bait busting the water. The information is great. I fish everywhere!!! I carry an 11-foot Harnell, the granddaddy of surf rods, and an inexpensive 9-foot White Rhino, which is suitable for most conditions. Good luck and have fun!

Keep up the great fishing!!!

Tsunami 7' three piece travel rod20lb Power Pro braid20lb Seagur Blue Label Fluorocarbon

You might be able to find a similar, less expensive travel rod from Tsunami, but just make sure it can cast lures weighing up to 2 ounces.

Jansen has guided many surf fishermen in the past, holds several world records, is an amazing artist, and has a great line of handmade surf lures. Along the Panhandle we have lots of opportunities for surf fishing. My brother flew DC 10s out of Dulles for United after being in the Air Force for 20 years.

Anyway… can you recommend some spots and plugs for fishing PVR on my next layover there? You can also use those setups for surface popping while out on the boat. Telescoping Waterproof selfie stick Yes the 7′ rod worked fine for me, especially considering I was casting smaller and lighter lures. What Is Surf Fishing? All the fly-fishing records are from Cabo San Lucas or Todos Santos. Ryan, Very much liked watching your recent PV videos. I had a wonderful time in PV with my wife Lauren, her mom Carol and dad Steve. And, yet another plus: México doesn’t require surf casters to have a license.

RELATED: 4 Tips for Surf Fishing Success Metal Spoons. Save 35% – 70% on Activities, Dining & Restaurants, and Shopping. Of course, spin-fishermen can employ very similar lures. First, let’s take a look at what exactly surf fishing is.

Sierra mackerel are one of the most common of our surf species. Love love love fishing!! New Environmentally-Friendly Plug Giveaway! A quick trim of the Mylar and it […], I had read something recently but I can’t remember where that was some solid scientific research into the effects barometric pressure has on the swim bladder of fish. Birds everywhere seemed to be waiting for fish to show up just like I was,,, How to Build a “Surfster” Metal Lip Swimmer, South Shore 2020 - Scituate/Cohasset/Hingham/Marshfield, Bottom Fishing for Tautog, Sea Bass, Flounder & More with Capt.