Sometimes you have to use a button (like with forms), but realize your design would look so much better with just a simple text link. While it’s still not widely supported, this technique makes it much easier to embed special fonts into a site without having to resort to images.

It’s a pretty in-depth process, but the result looks fantastic. Below are a ton of other techniques and tricks you can use to really make your CSS stand out. One of the best parts of CSS is that it’s so simple once you know the basics. Fluid layouts are great. The CSS used is incredibly simple while still being really versatile. This article gives two different methods for obfuscating email addresses with CSS. This year has been very productive for me as i developed numerous UI/UX apps and websites. The end result provides tons of flexibility for dealing with everything from images to text while keeping everything uniform and balanced.
Cameron It’s a multi-step tutorial but isn’t complicated. An incredibly complete collection of global resets, this post covers pretty much every reset you could possibly need. It’s very simple and straight-forward and works in virtually all browsers.

This is a revised version of the technique above to create a slightly different anti-aliasing effect, especially useful for light text on dark backgrounds. Words included in SVG are kept in the tag and so remain text, which makes it searchable, selectable and accessible. It is a 2-dimensional system, meaning it can handle both columns and rows, unlike flexbox which is largely a 1-dimensional system. She writes for a number of blogs and is the author of The Smashing … It speeds up the page load times while making it possible to still edit the individual CSS or JavaScript files without having to combine and re-compress everything each times. CSS Variables. If you have a blog or other site that’s text-heavy, using pull quotes to highlight important bits can look really awesome while also making your content more scannable. …. Sign up below to get the latest from Creative Bloq, plus exclusive special offers, direct to your inbox! CSS variables are useful when we want to apply the same style to common elements. More about It includes tricks for opacity, fixed positions, and text shadow, among others. The only real drawback is that it’s only supported in recent WebKit and Gecko browsers. Please refresh the page and try again. I've used WordPress since day one all the way up to v17, a decision I'm very happy with. CSS Variables CSS variables are useful when we want to … Here’s a great tutorial on how to embed fonts using CSS3. Not only is it getting a little boring to look at, but the user experience isn't that great. The browser support is fairly good for this CSS feature.

This tutorial shows exactly how to keep your footer where it should be—below the rest of your content! Its name speaks for itself – it scales, so it answers all concerns regarding responsive web design. Learn more. For example, if a circle function sets a clipping mask over the top of an image, you will only see the part of the image within this circle. Passionate about something niche? This article covers how to make a button that look very similar to regular HTML input buttons but can handle multiple types of interaction (like dropdowns or toggle functions). The SVG graphic will be crisp no matter the screen resolution of the device it’s viewed on. Although browser support may be limited now, this will likely not be the case in the future.
This post covers five excellent ways to center your content vertically.