One of the saddest forms of deceit is self-deception. Am I too bad for God?
These examples show the harm that can come when people practice lying and deceit.

#4 Rahab the Prostitute: Rahab was a Prostitute.
[Other verses note especially Matthew 15:19; Leviticus 19:11,12; Colossians 3:9; see also Psalms 7:14; 32:2; 58:3; 59:12; Proverbs 4:24; 24:28; Isaiah 59:3,13; Hosea 4:2; Micah 6:12; Nahum 3:1; Romans 13:9; 1 Peter 2:1; 3:10; John 1:47].

Yet they often recognize such acts to be lying when other people do it to them! If you want a good family life, one thing you need to develop in a relationship in which every family member can trust everyone else to be honest. Here the people flattered God by professing that they would serve Him but did not really mean it in their hearts. God hates a lying tongue! Hide your face from my sins and blot out all my iniquity. When people find out others have lied to them or about them, they are often hurt and angry. Remember that lying is twice in the list of things that God hates. Lying Prophets. Esau was so hurt and angry when he learned what Jacob had done that he threatened to kill Jacob (vv 34-38). Malachi 1:14 - When one pretends to offer a sacrifice to God but refuses to give what He knows God wants, he is a deceiver accursed of God. 7:11; Jer. Genesis 37:33-35 - When his sons deceived him, Jacob grieved and mourned for many years believing his son Joseph really had died. Do you think you’ve sinned too much for God to forgive you? You never know when he's lying. In my insolence, I persecuted his people. He hates a lying tongue. Contact/Advertise/Report      Christian Fridge Magnets (Wholesale & Retail)      PRIVACY, Terms, Bible Copyright Homosexuality: Lifestyle or Immorality? Tell them it’s time to hear my message. Why should we avoid lying? We will never get away with attempting to deceive others as God remembers all things. Let's take a close look at a question that speculates on the justice of God. vv 4-7]. 6:2-5; Deut.

The implication is that, if God did not keep His promises, He would be guilty of lying. Note that these people end up believing error, because they do not like the truth. He had faith and walked on water. Is your example teaching your children to be liars?

Bomi Jolly ~

Has pride led you deceive or mislead other people in order to impress them? | TOPICS

When we tell lies then we have followed the influence of Satan, but the ultimate problem is in our hearts. Deliver me from the guilt of bloodshed, O God, you who are God my Savior, and my tongue will sing of your righteousness. But if they refuse to repent and continue to speak lies, we must limit our association in order to keep our own hearts pure. [Acts 5:1-9]. When that was done, he did not keep his promise. #2 Apostle Paul (formerly “Saul of Tarsus”): Murdered, Harassed, and Persecuted Christians in the early Church. All rights reserved. Revelation 21:27; 22:14,15 - He who makes lies will in no wise enter into the holy city. Some things are confidential or there may be no good reason why some particular person should be told what we know. They just don't want to face the truth, so they defend evolution or other error till they convince themselves it is true.

He gives us victory over sin and death through our Lord Jesus Christ.

A popular song entitled "Sad Movies Always Make Me Cry" tells of a girl who goes home crying because she saw her boyfriend at a movie with another girl. Drinking Many false teachers misrepresent their doctrine or their personal lives. Luke 15:17-19, NIV When he came to his senses, he said, ‘How many of my father’s hired servants have food to spare, and here I am starving to death! How many ping pong balls can you fit in a mini-cooper? Some companies require employees to lie.

Have you ruined other people's trust in you by telling lies?

Psalms 15:2 - The one who abides in God's tabernacle is he who speaks the truth in his heart. That is the way people are who think they are so smart but end up fooling themselves. v12].

Nothing could be further from the truth. All Rights Reserved. Do not consider repeating such things. Ultimately all lies are conceived in the heart under the influence of Satan.