The controls attribute adds video controls, like play, pause, and volume.. I’m currently working on a system which should protect the video from being downloaded by the user and I’ve been stuck on this problem for a while now. help me, How to check the referer header.

If it’s absent or the URL value is not under your domain, you don’t transfer the file. Der Client erhält also nur Stream media files and high-resolution images in your own media players. I think it has to do with they way code handles, end of file line 55: Also, I have three suggestion. this script solved my problems. nur an Webprogrammierung interessiert sind. Mit einem Klick auf, Dieses Beispiel verdeutlicht die Verwendung des Video-Elements.

Hallo, ich habe ein Problem.

on the server and i need my web application to streams the file from the client PC, I don’t want to upload the entire file to my server because sometime the files are from a live feed (mixer studio outputs). if(session_status() == PHP_SESSION_NONE)


$finfo = new finfo(FILEINFO_MIME); Ein Beispiel: Anstatt ein Programm mit vielen Anweisungen zur Ausgabe von

Chrome does not do the first 2 byte request

Thank you for brilliant code. Second: Awesome!

One-Time Links only let one computer download your … So should have no problem to access, and local index.html has no problem with local video.mp4, but there is a security lock to block access to unless specifically allows it in complex ways (see about text files, but same applies to all files). Highlight Media Innovative Lasertechnik. Pl. Sie können Ihren Webserver auch anweisen, …