If you are currently using pdf_generator wrapper and you are happy with the results that you have, you shouldn’t move away from it. The solution for this issue was to convert each character in HTML entities first in order for them to appear in the PDF.

If you are bored and want to read some legal bits, see our legal page. This also allowed me to implement the header and footer in HTML, and after some tweaking with margin parameters. The Charter app first parses a ChordPro text file, generates an HTML file, and then uses Puppeteer to render the HTML and save as a PDF. However, keep in mind that some pages load dynamically with JavaScript, so without setting more options, the resulting PDF could appear incomplete. You can change URL to something else. Some other possible solutions was to use the --dpi option, having also the --zoom option to reduce the overall size on the PDF generated on the server side, but in the end I couldn’t replicate the same design that I’ve tested on my computer.

To limit the number of pages or specify specific pages, you can use the pageRanges parameter, for example, display only the first page – ‘1’, the range – ‘1-5’, or all at once:

To run the example in the repo: clone the repo, npm install on the package, npm install on the example, and run the app: Once the example is running, the PDF route can be tested using Postman. I love to play music, especially in a band. By that time I didn’t know what could be the best solution or if there was some native implementation to use. Range pdf page. The Charter app first parses a ChordPro text file, generates an HTML file, and then uses Puppeteer to render the HTML and save as a PDF.
With this article I want to share with you the steps I followed, the decisions I have made until I reached the final solution and why I ended up creating our own module. I hope you find the project useful!

Globally the PDF rendered was better than wkHtmlToPdf, being the only issue so far the file size which is 10 times higher than the size of the file generated by wkHtmlToPdf.

However, for a band to be successful, everyone needs to be on the same page or it just sounds like a mess. The second issue I encountered was with unicode characters, like Chinese characters. Come to think of it, I could make a lot of comparisons between a group of people that play well together in a band and a productive, highly-performing software team.

For instance, being on an Macbook Retina (2560x1600px 13" display) I needed to exaggerate the document size in the CSS style (i.e. But, I digress.

Advantages of using puppeteer over wkHtmlToPdf, Disadvantages of using puppeteer over wkHtmlToPdf. Summary: PDF from HTML with Node.js and Puppeteer So let’s quickly go through the options we covered here for generating PDF files from HTML pages: Screenshot from the DOM : This can be useful when you need to create snapshots from a page (for example to create a thumbnail), but falls short when you have a lot of data to handle. Regardless of your personal need for chord charts, you might find the source code for this project useful. You can also load local HTML files. The third and most annoying issue was that wkhtmltopdf uses the machine display to generate the PDF file. Although I’m a backend developer at heart, I have some HTML and CSS skills that I could use on this task. Create a new file named local.js and paste the following code. github.com/westmonroe/pdf-puppeteer#readme,  do something with the PDF like send it as the response,  html - This is the html to be converted to a pdf,  callback - Do something with the PDF,  [options] - Optional parameter to pass in Puppeteer PDF options,  [puppeteerArgs] - Optional parameter to pass in Puppeter arguments.
I tried to tweek the display size with the --viewport-size option, but without success. By default, Puppeteer generates a PDF using the print CSS media.