There is a link to a demo on the abive github page.

April 21, 2016, Squiggly text experiment with SVG filters. Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. For creating the animation effect I have used CSS @keyframe property completely (info). I hope you found this tutorial helpful. anime.js Demo, Code Snippets and Examples Handpicked anime.js Demo, Code Snippets and Examples that you can use to find inspiration for your next web project. Distortion Effect – Glitch Effect Design Inspiration If you are looking to add some distortion effect or glitch effect to your text or images, these sets of snippets are just the thing for you. Because the property isn’t animatable, it will automatically reveal each character without having to do any width or overflow changes and hiding/showing text. It’s currently staying the same size and looking messy :(. FaunaDB: GraphQL backend for JavaScript apps. Collection of free HTML and CSS text effect code examples.

Could be the number of steps in the animation. JavaScript creations.

Comic Book Website Snippets If you have a comic books loving audience they will love these little snippets that will give your website a comic book look and feel. They are usually hidden away but for a simple badge or pulsating animation which is not in the way of the user.

Set dark background-color and keep the white text. You may write comments in Markdown thanks to Jetpack Markdown.

Card UI Design Inspiration Card UI was popularized with the rise of Material Design. Inside the keyframe, I have used CSS transform property for animating and scaling text. We hope this will provide you with some great ideas that you can use in your websites. var dataText = [ “Amsterdam.”, “Full Service.”, “Webdevelopment.”, “Wij zijn Occhio!”]; Is there a way to loop this effect continuously so that it keeps replaying upon finishing? Check out these creative and modern effects that can be used to add some awesome hover effects for links or for menu items.

Some use JavaScript, which may sometimes be preferable (literally adding a character at a time feels more like a real typewriter) and sometimes not be (potential accessibility concerns). The HTML structure is consists of three div elements one of them dedicated to the circular loader, the second contains the loading text and the third is the wrapper of these two elements. Is it possible to type and delete using only CSS?

Creating a "wave" liquid effect on type using SVG mask. Uses background-clip: text & linear-gradient to simulate striped text shadow. Before sharing source code, let’s talk about it.

Everything is contained inside one element with a good mix of CSS and JavaScript animation. Great article :), I am just wondering what do you mean by saying using JS might have an accessibility concern?