If this is the case, then you merely need to download the appropriate kernel to fix the unable to boot error. You’ll find these errors vary differently depending on the type of kernel you’re using, but they’re usually start with a message about how the kernel requires a specific processor. Your email address will not be published. Tried the “nomodeset” option to no avail. Note: win7 64 bit works just fine, especially the p6100 is fast. I can't find NX/VT in my BIOS.

Head back to the download page that you were on while you were looking for the the ISO that you downloaded in the first place on a machine that you’re able to boot from. If the machine you were attempting to install Linux on it still has a valid operating system, then you should be able to boot from it and download a new ISO. Open up a terminal window from your installation or head over to one of the virtual consoles if your X Windows installation isn’t working. Posted in Linux / Redhat, Virtualization Tagged centos, centos 7, i686 cpu, Linux, redhat, rhel 7, this kernel requires an x86-64 CPU, unsupported, virtual box, virtualbox, virtualization Post navigation Experts Exchange is the only place where you can interact directly with leading experts in the technology field. You could theoretically even use a machine that was running a different non-Linux operating system as long as it could write out an ISO file. In this case, the i686 refers to the traditional Intel architecture. We ran it from inside of a Lubuntu installation on that same test netbook we tried the Kali Linux ISO file on, and it quickly returned i686 as a response. If you get the error installing Ubuntu Linux: – “This kernel requires an x86-64 CPU, but only detected an i686 CPU. was enabled. *This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google INtel processors p 631 or p6100, both w/ em64t and dual threads are called i 686 I guess. First ESX 3 vwas sold then they decided to make it freee. Rather than switching to a different type of ISO, you can possibly switch your virtual machine system to a 64-bit processor. Message given while trying to load Ubuntu into Virtual Box, Win7 Pro 64. This confirms what we knew about the machine in that it had a standard 32-bit Intel processor and should work just fine with an ISO image file designed to function within this architecture. So I'm trying the 32-bit image on Virtual PC.
Just be thankful you weren’t the only one that doesn’t read the download forms on the website . I'm trying to install Linux on my Virtual PC per these instructions: (Get your first solution completely free - no credit card required), Processor      AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3500+, 2200 Mhz, 1 Core(s), 1 Logical Processor(s). You can download Restoro by clicking the Download button below. Ubuntu and Debian have supported PPC ISO files.