What is this IC Chip on this circuit board? @MattSom No it shouldn't, because of the fact that the question never included anything about jQuery and jQuery is not needed for this kind of behaviour. site design / logo © 2020 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. Discouraged by advisor to take courses, is there a way to navigate through this situation? If you use window.onload = function name(){} it doesn't matter if the div is before or after. In chrome/fedora 25/apache. Javascript looks good. run the code after your html structure in the body statement. So obviously, JavaScript failed to see the element and hence you end up seeing the null reference error. If you just want to check whether there's any value, you can do: Or, if you do not know whether a variable exists (that means, if it was declared) you should check with the typeof operator . Já fiz e refiz várias vezes o mesmo processo seguindo as especificações necessárias pra funcionar(nomear com o id correto, importar o id no js e colocar fora de função para ele poder ser utilizado em todos os lugares dentro do código, definir um nome, usar o nome para instanciar os objetos, aplicar o innerHTML para mandar um valor, colocar o + antes do valor para não apagar o que já estava antes, fiz até um window.alert para garantir que os valores realmente estavam sendo gerados) e mesmo assim o erro persiste.

Obrigado por contribuir com o Stack Overflow em Português! Hello highlight.js! У сразу же схлопотал ошибку, а что не так - не пойму. Does Improved Abjuration affect spells that have a circumstantial ability check? also type attribute in script tags are obsolete. 2. cannot set property 'innerHTML' 4. Hello highlight.js! Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Your answer is correct but may I request you to please add some context around your source-code.

As that can load before the DOM loads and there's no error. Swapping out our Syntax Highlighter.

Can I hedge my household expenses using the financial markets? Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'innerHTML' of null.

Is it grammatically correct: no one raised their hand? Employer planning on making a change that I'm prepared to quit over. Can we recover?

How can I check for an empty/undefined/null string in JavaScript? ¡Gracias por contribuir en StackOverflow en español con una respuesta! Stack Overflow em Português é um site de perguntas e respostas para programadores profissionais e entusiastas.

How to replace innerHTML of a div using jQuery? Para assinar este feed RSS, copie e cole esta URL no seu leitor RSS. When you try to access an undefined variable it always returns undefined and we cannot get or set any property of undefined. Перемещение вниз сработало. These usually happens when we don't test an object before using it. I had a similar problem, but I had the existing id, and as egiray said, I was calling DOM before it loaded and Javascript console was showing the same error, so I tried: While you should ideally highlight the code which is causing an error and post that within your question, the error is because you are trying to get the inner HTML of the 'status' element: However the 'status' element does not exist within your HTML - either add the necessary element or change the ID you are trying to locate to point to a valid element. Если мало - нужно сделать свой кроссбраузерный аналог jquery метода bind. Will You Please Stop Capitalising Every Word You Type? Grepper. //deal with value

If you don't want the variable to be global, define it locally in the function that you are trying to run and make sure the function is not called before the page has fully loaded. To do something in the DOM you have to Load it first.