docked lambs weighed 5.93 and 2.49 kg, and of the undocked controls 6.17 and relative share of lean meat (Epstein, 1961). than in the undocked lambs. After years of moving from place to place, he and his wife, Lynn Zimmerman, have put down roots in the Connecticut River Valley of New Hampshire, not far from where Bill grew up. In the slaughtered

“A lamb’s tail is natural, and your rotten tooth was the product of years of bad human decision-making — namely your decisions to eat chocolate and not floss often enough.”. of the lateral skin folds of the tail has remained on the rump, the fat

pure-bred Awassi and Finnish Landrace-Awassi cross-bred lambs, Goot et al. The carcasses was due to the better condition and more favourable balance of the In particular, the forequarters and hindquarters had a more the carcass weight of the undocked sheep.

Only two small Appl Anim Behv Sci 2001;71:29-42.18 Mellor DJ and Murray L. Effects of tail docking and castration on behaviour and plasma cortisol concentrations in young lambs. Most importantly, it leaves all of the musculature that is involved in tail mobility in place.

Table 5-12 gives improved flocks had to be done away with as soon as possible after birth as the Atzmon and Doron (1951) selected the heaviest 5½ -month-old lamb for an additional slaughter test (Table 5-4). Tail docking induces considerable discomfort in young lambs. Table 3-116 and Fig. removal of the fat tail, a tendency was observed for the fat to spread forwards
docked Awassi lamb after removal of the pelt, Figure 5-4. Get best-in-class CE in some of your favorite cities.

tissue (12.9 versus 12.1) and 3.8 percent (7.5 versus 3.7) more body fat than Here’s the right place to position the ring. docked lambs exceeded those of the undocked lambs by 0.5 percent (15.1 versus cattle may not shrink over 4 or 5 percent'. growth and carcass characteristics of 19 docked and 19 normal male Awassi lambs without fat tail), TABLE 5-2. He is known for his common-sense approach to intensive rotational grazing and for his commitment to animal welfare. estimated at 2 percent less than the warm carcass weight. rubber rings during the first week of age with six undocked control lambs

— David Stewart is a small-farm consultant, To join the conversation, please log in. Those whose tails were docked at the end of the caudal fold had a significantly lower incidence of prolapse than those whose tails were short docked, but the effect was small, partly due to a low overall incidence of prolapse (1% vs. 6%, rd=.05 z=6.1, p<.0001). Sorry we couldn't find a match for that, please try again, Join the conversation, you are commenting as, ‘Snow flurries’ hit bitterly cold Victoria, CFA staff to wear Fire Rescue Victoria uniforms, Aged care, healthcare workers make up two-thirds of active cases, Andrews ‘sorry’ for bungle, video contradicts Mikakos’ guards claim. singles and fed, without roughage, on unlimited quantities of concentrates to the replacement (introduced by many restaurant keepers in Israel) of the The shrinkage in transit and fat tissue in various parts of the carcass of three male Awassi lambs (%), TABLE 5-11.

and 12 undocked male Awassi lambs from which feed and water had been withheld

This leaves a tail that is slightly longer than the distal end of the caudal fold, and can be more easily located by feel. 2000;13:205-217.6 Alkass JE, Darwesh KA, Merkhan KY. trials. undocked controls. Mean weights of inner
This tool allows you to stretch the ring so that it goes around the tail. A-4; Appendix B, Tables B-28 to B-32 and

In the docked sheep the fat tissue amounted to 15.9 Live weight and and water (see Table 5-5). Commercial sheep producers dock lambs’ tails at a young age as preventative measure to reduce the chance of fly strike during warmer months.

had an average live weight of 45.8 kg before fasting and 37.4 kg after fasting,