When President Nasser of Egypt announced his intention to build a dam in the Suez to provide power and irrigation to Egypt, the United States offered its financial support, withdrawing it when Nasser spoke with the Communists on the subject.
Helped policy of Vietnamization succeed; Nixon authorized in order to destroy supply lines and base; outraged Americans due to neutrality during war, Shooting of unarmed college students; students were protesting against the Cambodian Incursion; the National Guard opened fire on students, Created to protect air and water quality; monitored use of pesticides; regulated environmental protection and conservation. Came up with a policy called, "The New Frontier".

First Republican to win the Deep South, Believed in black separatism.

US quarantine was started due to placement of Russian Missile.

In 1965, Congress passed many of its measures, including Medicare, civil rights legislation, and federal aid to education. MONDAY TUESDAY& WEDNESDAY THURSDAY& FRIDAY 23B Unit 9 Day 2 FDR's new program after the smaller depression in 1937. This act reduced the number of immigrants allowed into the United States from 3% to 2% of the nationality present in America in 1890. Billy Graham. A writer who wrote a war novel called "Soldier's Play" in 1926. Eisenhower proposed and obtained a joint resolution from Congress authorizing the use of U.S. military forces to intervene in any country that appeared likely to fall to communism. It started out as a very low tariff in the House, but acquired many amendments from the Senate. Pro-war and Anti-war. American post-World War II writers. APUSH Unit 7 Review during Spring Break 2016 Learn with flashcards, games, and more — for free. Revealed the political power of television, 20 million Americans were watching.

obstruction of justice, 2. Under the Eisenhower administration. Lead by the Viet-Cong. First female cabinet member. They helped write create legislation for FDR's New Deal. The campaign program advocated by JFK in the 1960 election. )ᆱK�҈�M��h4��nn���_���������I�˃W��������O|tv~ut{~}��a���a����=x�
He was the master of satire and was the first person from the U.S. to win a Nobel Prize in Literature. SzQ���������tݳ*@�6~Y��sk;�N�{��L�h��k���N~���޻��Z��2qS��~s���$H�M���$�_6؝�,�NX��AAk�nxX�-;ۥ�(���-��*ǝ]]`���ro�3Ɍ�v�����Ii��;+k��`����X��!j��-R���Y0$j�'�; �_��C��(�|��9LV����j6�Lf]0V�i�{e�}����Q�vװ�_$�[ew ���I=�����gnVZSԝ����\EK�.�W�_K�����{��'������wlz;�b���Z%}��-H���];�)|��,�'�ߖC�ϯ��~g�8@��9����8�y�.��I��=�,�YQ��u��B�mr���(�j�/�B{}9[?��%dg�}��$�f���ܺ-g��۵�%?�60ܘ�^){�-䷪Y�y=��z���H��UMF)��� The southerners that broke away from the Democrat Party due to their shift of a political stance for the civil rights movement. Leader of Soviet Union. Enacted by President Nixon. Senator from Louisiana. ��a%_3��ߠpeA������92�ۢEf�SE�ŋ�V)[��Rlpм#�X�պ28�z{Z�8=:;�*��v{sT�ڔ}�� Great Society programs to have the government provide medical aid to the elderly and the poor. Prohibits sexual discrimination in any federal program or education. The bomb was dropped on August 6, 1945. It said that the Soviet Union and Communism must be stopped from spreading into other parts of the world. Takes place after the Watergate Scandal is released. Evangelical minister from Virginia; Created the Moral Majority party against sexual permissiveness, abortion, feminism, and gay rights; used the media to spread ideas. President coolidge vetoed this bill twice. Minister and civil rights leader, formed the southern christian leadership conference, he was an activist in peaceful protests against discrimination of African Americans. Pushed Cuba to a closer alliance with Russia. Nonfiction book written by Betty Friedan in 1963. It was known to be Japan's center for communication, storage, and assembly area for troops. Preached the doctrine of "black power". alex_klouvas. Its only major successes came in raising minimum wage, the Housing Act of 1949, and Social Security Act of 1950. A defense strategy implemented by John F. Kennedy in 1961; increased the ability to confine the response to non-nuclear weapons; modified Eisenhower's policy of Massive Retaliation. Described unhappiness of housewives in the 50's and early 60's. He used the Marshall plan to work out a joint plan for Europe's economic recovery.This president was the 1st president to recognize the State of Israel. Create. Attempted to gain Soviet Russia's support for the Japan attack. Wrote the bestseller The Man Nobody Knows , which claimed that Jesus Christ was the perfect salesman. Ruled that segregation in public schools was "inherently unequal" and thus unconstitutional. Member nations drew up a charter similar to that of the old League of Nations. Created as an auxiliary unit. It was very controversial and was banned in some cities. APUSH: 1920s and 1930s. Almost overthrown in the Bay of Pigs. This legislation helped encourage the ratification of the 18th Amendment. United States Admiral of the Pacific Fleet during WW2 who used aircraft carriers. Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee.

Test. "Every Man is King". 7 terms.