One of the major benefits of Vue for most people using it is that the reactivity system is as transparent as it is - You don’T have to call special methods to update your state, you just mutate it. This means that we can invoke our function as many times as we want, but the output will always be the same as it was in the previous call if we pass in the same parameters. The following code illustrates it: As you can see, our component doesn't have a template property, but instead we've introduced a render function.

With TypeScript you can do some FP stuff, right? If this is the only approach that enables the high performance Vue has been able to achieve, however, that’s a really good argument in favor of it.

The text above is quoted from the official wiki page about Functional Programming, but what that means exactly? While it sounds great in theory, the problems in the real world are significant (e.g. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I don't think functional programming is possible in vue. I hope you've enjoyed reading this short but, I hope, intuitive article and that it will get you started with functional way of building apps. I just didn't want new readers to think that Vue templates couldn't do this. This also seems a lot more feasible to me than rewriting the reactivity system. Testing the framework integration is is only testing a subset of your business logic. That said, I can’t help but wonder if Vue is moving in the wrong direction given the exploding trend of FP in Javascript which React and many other popular libraries are embracing. With Vue 2.x’s current API, there are a number of common patterns, most well known are: 1. In a bit longer term, there are two main assets we need to understand: This is what makes functional programming so special. For these objects we always need to create a new instance when we want to change any of its properties. Functional Reactive Programming is all about thinking in data flows over time. A quick google search will tell us that JSX stands for JavaScript XML. Create templates to quickly answer FAQs or store snippets for re-use. No. Also, I found that bugs in immutable coding style are often more subtle. Vue is built on reacting to mutation.

That said, I can’t help but wonder if Vue is moving in the wrong direction given the exploding trend of FP in Javascript which React and many other popular libraries are embracing. It’s likely that this approach was already considered and rejected; surely it wouldn’t be as performant. Well, in short, it means that we are creating functions in a way that they do not depend or can alter any external state, which leads us to another observation that, for a given input, they will always return the same output.
Having done lots of backend stuff with .NET and Spring I can also safely confirm that you won't get buried in tons of weird side effect bugs. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Functional components (not to be confused with Vue’s render functions) is a component which holds no state and no instance.. Ok, let us start by quickly answering what is Functional Programming and JSX. First off, I’m a big fan of Vue and think it has quite a few advantages over React.