Joint Inspection Unit [item 144]: Report of the Fifth Committee (A/76/778), 5. Review of the efficiency of the administrative and financial functioning of the United Nations [item 136]: Report of the Fifth Committee (A/76/634/Add.1), Informal informal consultations on the Progress Declaration of the International Migration Review Forum(closed), [Letters from the President of the General Assembly, dated21 January 2022,24 January 2022,8 February 2022,18 February 2022and17 March 2022were sent to all permanent representatives and permanent observers. (b) Note by the Secretary-General (A/76/293) Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples: report of the Special Political and Decolonization Committee (Fourth Committee) (A/76/425) [item 63], 15. Peacebuilding and sustaining peace [item 66]: draft resolution (A/76/L.74), 2. 3. Subscribe to the First Committee Monitor. Closing of the seventy-sixth session of the General Assembly, Functions and powers of the General Assembly, Arrears in the Payment of Contributions (Article 19), First Committee (Disarmament & International Security), Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian & Cultural), Fourth Committee (Special Political & Decolonization), Fifth Committee (Administrative & Budgetary). Shahid further said that whenever the UN receives conflicting credentials communications, they are referred to the Committee. Organization of work, adoption of the agenda and allocation of items [item 7]; Operational activities for development of the United Nations system [item 25 (a)]: draft resolution (A/76/L.4) (item 7 to reallocate sub-item (a) of agenda item 25), [Letters from the President of the General Assembly, dated 27 September 2021, 11 October 2021 and 22 October 2022, were sent to all permanent representatives and permanent observers. Organization of work, adoption of agenda and allocation of items [item 7]; Follow-up to the Fourth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries [item 23 (a)]: draft decision (A/76/L.32) (item 7 to reallocate sub-item (a) of agenda item 23), 4. The UN as an institution could be doing a hell of a lot more and the Secretary-General needs to show a lot more leadership on Myanmar., Al Jazeera Centre for Public Liberties & Human Rights, agreed not to speak at the high-level talks, supplier of arms to the embattled generals. Science, technology and innovation for sustainable development [item 22 (a)]: report of the Second Committee (A/76/534/Add.1), 25. Legal experts say that is too little for the generals to be considered the representative of the Myanmar people. Appointment of members of the Joint Inspection Unit [item 117 (g)]: note by the Secretary-General (A/76/637), 7. UN. (b) Draft resolution (A/76/L.17), (a) Report of the Secretary-General (A/76/357) Arabic;Chinese;English;French;Russian;Spanish, His Excellency Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa, President, Republic of South Africa (pre-recorded), His Excellency Mohamed Irfaan Ali, President, Co-operative Republic of Guyana, His Excellency Mokgweetsi Eric Keabetswe Masisi, President, Republic of Botswana, His Excellency Miguel Daz Canel Bermdez, President, Republic of Cuba (pre-recorded), His Excellency Joo Manuel Gonalves Loureno, President, Republic of Angola, His ExcellencyRoch Marc Christian Kabor,President ofFaso,President of the Council of Ministers,Burkina Faso (pre-recorded), His Excellency Laurentino Cortizo Cohen, President, Republic of Panama, His Excellency Milo ukanovi, President, Montenegro, His Excellency Hage Geingob, President, Republic of Namibia, His Excellency Stevo Pendarovski, President, Republic of North Macedonia, His Excellency Lionel Rouwen Aingimea, President, Republic of Nauru (pre-recorded), His Excellency Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa, President, Republic of Zimbabwe (pre-recorded), His ExcellencyMahamat Idriss Dby Itno,Chairman of the Transitional Military Council,President and Head of State,Republic of Chad (pre-recorded), His Excellency Azali Assoumani, President, Union of the Comoros, His Excellency Ali Bongo Ondimba, President, Gabonese Republic (pre-recorded), Her Excellency Samia Suluhu Hassan, President, United Republic of Tanzania, His Excellency George Manneh Weah, President, Republic of Liberia (pre-recorded), His Excellency Barham Salih, President, Republic of Iraq, The LIVE online coverage of the General Debate website, available in all official languages, offers the Speaking Now feature which enables users to know which Member States/Observer has the floor (is delivering a video statement). Human rights situations and reports of special rapporteurs and representatives [item 74 (c)]: Report of the Third Committee (A/76/462/Add.3, draft resolution V) Implementation of the recommendations contained in the report of the Secretary-General on the causes of conflict and the . Implementation of the Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS and the political declarations on HIV/AIDS [item 11]: Report of the Secretary General (A/76/783), Informal meeting of the General Assembly to hear a briefing by the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General on Myanmar, Informal consultations on the political declaration of the high-level meeting on improving global road safety, Interactive dialogue between permanent missions and the Secretariat and briefing on 'lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic" and on the progress made to improve the accessibility of the UNHQ premises for persons with disabilities, Election of members of the Economic and Social Council [item 115 (b)], Informal High-level Meeting to mark the commemoration of the first International Day for Countering Hate Speech, [Letters from the President of the General Assembly, dated13 April 2022 and 13 June 2022 were sent to all permanent representatives and permanent observers. Criminal accountability of United Nations officials and experts on mission: report of the Sixth Committee (A/76/470) [item 79], 2. The problem with the status quo at the UN is that there is divided and incomplete recognition within the UN, Tyler Giannini, a professor at Harvard Law School, told Al Jazeera. PassBlue needs your support to stay strong. Promotion of international cooperation to combat illicit financial flows and strengthen good practices on assets return to foster sustainable development [item 18 (f)]: report of the Second Committee (A/76/531/Add.6), 9. ], 1. Report of the Economic and Social Council [item 9] (A/76/3); note by the Secretary-General (A/76/277); Integrated and coordinated implementation of and follow-up to the outcomes of the major United Nations conferences and summits in the economic, social and related fields [item 15] - joint debate, 2. Follow-up to the second United Nations Conference on Landlocked Developing Countries [item 23 (b)]: report of the Second Committee (A/76/535/Add.2), 30. The NUG is working closely with civil society groups, the Civil Disobedience Movement and representatives of ethnic nationality areas. First Committee . The official issuance of the rules of procedure of the General Assembly, embodying amendments and additions adopted by the General Assembly up to and including its 76th session is available as . Myanmar's Credentials at the UN. The portal also includes links to other related valuable multimedia assets (audio, photos, etc. Global health and foreign policy [item 129]: report of the Secretary-General (A/76/492) - debate Consideration of the item has been postponed to the resumed part of the session, Continuation of the debate on the item and action on the draft resolutions, 2. African Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone Treaty: report of the First Committee (A/76/438) [item 94], 4. Revitalization of the work of the General Assembly: report of the First Committee (A/76/452) [item 122], 18. GENERAL ASSEMBLY (75TH SESS. 1. Delegations wishing to be inscribed on thelist of speakersfor the debate under item 5 are kindly requested to do so through the e-deleGATE portal available at 1. Crime prevention and criminal justice [item 108]: draft decision (A/76/L.9). The NUG has democratic legitimacy which is also a really key thing in state recognition and has also shown its commitment to upholding international law, Phongsathorn said. ], 2. In these cases, the office of the President of the General Assembly is often called upon to help resolve the matter before a formal meeting of the Credentials Committee. Observer status for the Global Environment Facility in the General Assembly: report of the Sixth Committee (A/76/485) [item 172], 20. ): Election of members of the Economic and Social Council [item 115 (b)] (Continued), 2. Report of the International Atomic Energy Agency [item 91]. ], Organization of the seventy-sixth regular session of the General Assembly, adoption of the agenda and allocation of items: memorandum by the Secretary-General (A/BUR/76/1), 1. Implementation of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa [item 20 (e)]: report of the Second Committee (A/76/533/Add.5), 17. Prime Minister, Kingdom of Belgium, Delegations are kindly reminded that, in accordance with established practice, each statement in the general debate should be limited to 15 minutes in order to accommodate speakers for each meeting in a timely fashion. Delegations wishing to be inscribed on thelist of speakersof plenary meetings of the General Assembly are kindly requested to do so through the e-deleGATE portal available at,, 1. Financial inclusion for sustainable development [item 18 (e)]: report of the Second Committee (A/76/531/Add.5), 8. The NUGs founding document, the Federal Democracy Charter, lays out a roadmap for a democratic government and commits the NUG to diversity and the inclusion of all ethnic nationality groups. Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, questions relating to refugees, returnees and displaced persons and humanitarian questions [item 65]: report of the Third Committee (A/76/456), 4. Special and emergency special sessions of the General Assembly as well as conferences A/76/251 3a Appointment of the members of the Credentials Committee. Sustainable development [item 20]: draft decisions (A/76/L.37,A/76/L.38), [Letters from the President of the General Assembly, dated 18 February 2022 and 22 February 2022,were sent to all permanent representatives and permanent observers. Report of the Credentials Committee [item 3 (b)] (A/76/550). Credentials Committee, UN. Following the February 1 coup in Myanmar, its military rulers have said the countrys Ambassador at UN Kyaw Moe Tun has been dismissed and they want Aung Thurein to replace him. ], [Letters from the President of the General Assembly, dated 27 September 2021, 11 October 2021, 26 October 2021, 29 October 2021 and 16 November 2021, were sent to all permanent representatives and permanent observers. Development cooperation with middle-income countries [item 22 (c)]: report of the Second Committee (A/76/534/Add.3), 27. Question of equitable representation on and increase in the membership of the Security Council and other matters related to the Security Council [item 123], Informal meeting of the plenary to hear a briefing on the outcomes of the G20 Rome Leaders Summit, [Letters from the President of the General Assembly, dated 27 September 2021, 11 October 2021 and 19 November 2021, were sent to all permanent representatives and permanent observers. External debt sustainability and development [item 18 (c)]: report of the Second Committee (A/76/531/Add.3), 6. Commodities [item 18 (d)]: report of the Second Committee (A/76/531/Add.4), 7. (b) Notes by the Secretary-General (A/75/960 and A/75/960/Add.1) UEL: Do away goals count in Europa League 2023. Pursuant to resolution 75/320, the general debate will be held from15:00 to 18:00 (7th plenary meeting) and from 19:00 to 21:00 (9th plenary meeting) in order to accommodate the closing plenary meeting of the high-level meeting of the General Assembly to commemorate the twentieth anniversary of the adoption of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action from 18:00 to 19:00 (8th plenary meeting). The credentials of representatives and the names of members of the delegation of each Member State are submitted to the Secretary-General and are issued either by the Head of the State or Government or by the Minister for Foreign Affairs (Rule 27 of the Rules of Procedure of the General Assembly). : 2021-2022) Agenda information A/76/251 3a Appointment of the members of the Credentials Committee. The people of any UN Member State have a right to have their desired UN representatives in place, and the militarys representatives do not represent the peoples wishes while the NUG would, he said. The United Nations announced in December 2021 that it had deferred a decision on Myanmars representation, a failure that human rights advocates say has hampered the international response to the deteriorating situation in the country and risks legitimising the coup regime. Briefing by Paulina Kubiak, Spokesperson for the President of the 76th Session of the General Assembly. ], 2. Comprehensive review of the whole question of peacekeeping operations in all their aspects [item 56]: Report of the Special Political and Decolonization Commitee (Fourth Committee) (A/76/418/Add.1), 4. Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty: report of the First Committee (A/76/450) [item 106], 16. All rights reserved. Oceans and the law of the sea [items 78 (a) and (b)]: Continuation of the debate on the item as a whole and action on the draft resolutions, 1. 4. Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on the work of its fifty-fourth session [item 80]: Report of the Sixth Committee (A/76/471, draft resolution I) This United Nations-related article is a stub. International Human Rights Lawyer and Adjunct Professor of Law, Georgetown University Law Center, Justice Richard J. Goldstone The UN emblem hangs above the podium during the UN General Assembly 76th session General Debate in UN General Assembly Hall at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City, New York, U.S., September 24, 2021. In fact, the UN has failed to do anything. Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May Be Deemed to Be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects: report of the First Committee (A/76/448) [item 104], 14. The NUG has told Al Jazeera that 10 of its 17 ministers continue to work in parts of Myanmar that are effectively outside the control of the military. [1][2][3], According to Rule 27 of the Rules of Procedure of the General Assembly, Member States must send the credentials of their representatives to the Secretary-General of the United Nations more than one week before the opening of the regular session. Scale of assessments for the apportionment of the expenses of the United Nations [item 142]: report of the Fifth Committee (A/76/383), [Letters from the President of the General Assembly, dated 27 September 2021 and 29 September 2021, were sent to all permanent representatives and permanent observers. ], Informal consultations on the priorities for the draft political declaration of the high-level meeting on improving global road safety, [Letters from the President of the General Assembly, dated9 November 2021, 2 December 2021, and 7 January 2021 were sent to all permanent representatives and permanent observers. The list of speakers for each meeting is built on this voluntarily agreed time limit., His Excellency Narendra Modi, Prime Minister, Republic of India, His Excellency Philip Joseph Pierre, Prime Minister and Minister for Finance, Economic Development and Youth Economy, Saint Lucia (pre-recorded), His Excellency Xavier Espot Zamora, Head of Government, Principality of Andorra (pre-recorded), His Excellency Cleopas Sipho Dlamini, Prime Minister, Kingdom of Eswatini (pre-recorded), His Excellency Ralph Gonsalves, Prime Minister, Minister for Finance, the Public Service, National Security, Legal Affairs and Grenadines Affairs, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (pre-recorded), His Excellency Ariel Henry, Prime Minister and Minister for Social Affairs and Labor, Republic of Haiti (pre-recorded), His Excellency Ismail Sabri Yaakob, Prime Minister, Malaysia (pre-recorded), His Excellency Phankham Viphavanh, Prime Minister, Lao Peoples Democratic Republic (pre-recorded), His Excellency Abdalla Adam Hamdok, Prime Minister, Republic of the Sudan (pre-recorded), His Excellency Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen, Prime Minister, Kingdom of Cambodia (pre-recorded), His Excellency Josaia Voreqe Bainimarama, Prime Minister and Minister for iTaukei Affairs, Sugar Industry, and Foreign Affairs, Republic of Fiji (pre-recorded), His Excellency Lotay Tshering, Prime Minister, Kingdom of Bhutan (pre-recorded), His Excellency Bob Loughman, UN--CALENDAR OF MEETINGS (2021-2022), UN. Magistrate-judge, lawyer. ], Eleventh Emergency Special Session of the General Assembly (Resumed: 11th Plenary meeting), Continuation of statements after adoption, Informal meeting of the plenary to hear an interim oral update on the situation of human rights in the Syrian Arab Republic, Organization of work, adoption of the agenda and allocation of items [item 7]; Sport for development and peace: building a peaceful and better world through sport and the Olympic ideal [item 12]: draft resolution (A/76/L.48) (item 7 to reopen item 12), Action on the draft resolution, Ad Hoc Working Group on the Revitalization of the work of the General Assembly, Thematic debate on the role and authority of the General Assembly, 1. "[1][3] The General Assembly formally acknowledges the representatives of the Member States by approving their credentials. The President of the General Assembly then proposes nine candidates to the General Assembly, which then votes on the candidates. The military junta is not eligible to represent the Myanmar people at the United Nations.. The portal also includes links to other related valuable multimedia assets (audio, photos, etc. Security Council (A/76/853), [Letters from the President of the General Assembly, dated 27 May 2022 and 3 June 2022, were sent to all permanent representatives and permanent observers.]. [A letter from the President of the General Assembly, dated14 February 2022, was sent to all permanent representatives and permanent observers. ], Intergovernmental consultations on the declaration for the 2022 United Nations Conference to Support the Implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 14, [A letter from the President of the General Assembly, dated 12 January 2022, was sent to all permanent representatves and permanent observers. ], 8. Crimes against humanity: report of the Sixth Committee (A/76/474) [item 83], 6. Revitalization of the work of the General Assembly: report of the Sixth Committee (A/76/489) [item 122], 13. Election of members of the Economic and Social Council [item 115 (b)]: by-election (A/76/573), 2. For the schedule of meetings of the seventy-seventh session, use this link: Thursday 28 April 2022 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Conference Room 2, Friday 29 April 2022 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Conference Room 2, Tuesday, 3 May 2022 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Conference Room 2, Thursday, 5 May 2022, 10:00 a.m. - Economic and Social Council Chamber, Wednesday, 22 June 2022 10:00 a.m. Trusteeship Council Chamber, Thursday, 23 June 2022 10:00 a.m. General Assembly Hall, Thursday, 23 June 2022 3:00 p.m. General Assembly Hall. Economic and other activities which affect the interests of the peoples of the Non-Self-Governing Territories: report of the Special Political and Decolonization Committee (Fourth Committee) (A/76/422) [item 60], 12. Human rights situations and reports of special rapporteurs and representatives [item 74 (c)]: report of the Third Committee (A/76/462/Add.3), 13. The Committee reports to the Assembly on the credentials of representatives of the UN Member States. General and complete disarmament: report of the First Committee (A/76/444) [item 100], 10. Review and implementation of the Concluding Document of the Twelfth Special Session of the General Assembly: report of the First Committee (A/76/445) [item 101], 11. Review of the implementation of the recommendations and decisions adopted by the General Assembly at its tenth special session: report of the First Committee (A/76/446) [item 102], 12. Crime prevention and criminal justice [item 108]: draft decision (A/76/L.5), 1. (b) Draft resolution (A/76/L.19 and A/76/L.21), 1. Report of the Fifth Committee. Ghani, who had fled the country as the Taliban took control of Kabul on August 15, had appointed Isaczai as Kabuls envoy to the UN in June 2021. Ensuring access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all [item 20 (j)]: report of the Second Committee (A/76/533/Add.9), 21. 2. Information and communications technologies for sustainable development [item 17]: report of the Second Committee (A/76/530), 2. This will be interactive in nature and will not have a prepared list of speakers. ], Thursday, 5 May 2022, 10:00 a.m. (Virtual), Informal consultations on the political declaration of the high-level meeting on improving global road safety First round of negotiations, 1. PPLAF (Platform to Protect Whistle Blowers in Africa), John Dugard UN. Opening of the session by the President of the General Assembly, 2. Delegations may wish to inform their capitals accordingly. However, if a delegation's legitimacy is contested, its credentials may be challenged by another Member State. The normally obscure UN Credentials Committee has also been in the spotlight, as questions were raised about who will represent Myanmar and Afghanistan in the General Assembly. Appointment of the members of the Credentials Committee, 4. ], 2. Eradicating rural poverty to implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development [item 24 (b)]: report of the Second Committee (A/76/536/Add.2), 33. In the UNGA, respect for international human rights standards and the extent to which states represent the will of the people have also been important considerations.