In fact, wave energy is derived from both solar energy and wind power, but you’d have to go back a few steps to see how. The energy in the wind is thus transmitted to these waves. Wave energy does not generate pollution, The waves generated in the ocean is almost continuous so no need for power storage. The best thing about wave energy is that it will never run out. There are lots of advantages of wave energy: Firstly, Wave energy are renewable cause the ocean surface waves always exist. Wave energy is renewable. Secondly, since there are lots of place next to the ocean or harbor, it’s easy for people to harness the energy of waves. We believe that everyone deserves a fairer deal on energy. It is renewable source of energy.

In this, 8000 MW power can be produced in Gulf of Cambay and Gulf of Kutch alone. sunlight, wind and water, involved in creating wave energy are both free and in abundance, the same cannot be said for the supporting technology. As long as there are oceans and winds, there will always be waves and the energy they produce.

It is produced and harnessed by electricity generators that are placed on the surface of the ocean. Ocean energy is an indirect form of solar energy. The sound of whale song can travel longer distance. But the main problem in the system is its inability to produce electricity if airflow velocity increases beyond the designed value. During low tides, the height of tide is lower than that of the tidal basin and water is allowed to flow out to drive or propel the turbine unit. Energy can be extracted from the tides which are formed due to the gravitational effect of the sun and moon on the Earth. The power produced by wave energy is commonly used at desalination plants, water pumps at sea and crucially, at power plants. Thirdly, there are lots of ways for people to gather the energy of waves since there are lots of wave power devices.
In the oceans, the temperature difference between surface and deep water is highest in the tropics with 20 to 25°C. Advantages of wave energy. Hydraulic turbine and generator are coupled to generate electricity. This difference in atmospheric temperature causes atmospheric air to travel from hotter to cooler parts of the earth. India’s vast coastline of 7500 kms has a wave potential 40,000 MW.

The advantage of OTEC is that power is continuous, renewable and pollution-free. NFC vs RFID, Cellular Networks in Internet of Things (IoT). 1 Wave energy is renewable. Secondly, although wave energy is a kind of clean energy, gathering wave energy can disturb the seafloor, change the habit of the surround animals (crabs or fishes). Tidal Energy 2.1. Green. Wave energy is strong winds which act in the oceans. Since the tidal ranges are highly variable, therefore the turbines have to work on a wide range of head variation. Stand out generators – wave energy generators can ruin the visual beauty of oceans. Advantages of wave energy are : Wave energy is free it comes from waves of oceans. Advantages of Wave Energy 1.2. The residual heat is discharge to the sink at lower temperature. A huge amount of solar energy is stored by the tropical oceans, which is used to generate electricity. These energy sources except tidal are the results of the absorption of solar radiation by seas and oceans which cause wind, ocean currents and moderate temperature gradients from the water surface downward, especially in tropical water.
Advantages of Wave Energy 1.

Tidal energy’s source is a result of the effects of the sun and moon’s gravitational fields, combined with our planet’s rotation around its axis, which result in low and high tides.

While the natural resources, i.e. Advantages and disadvantages of Wave and tidal energy November 21, 2017, 12:19 pm There is already a unit in France that has been operating productively for a number of years, and in the USA and Scotland important investments have been made in this form of energy . Extracting wave energy Essentially all of the energy contained in a wave (95%) is located between the water surface and the top one fourth of the wave length.

This energy can be extracted in different ways, which has giv en rise to the large variety of technologies available and deployed. Marine mammal and sea bird population could also be affected by the physical presence of wave energy structures. It does not requier any kind of fuel. This gravitational force causes a periodic rise and fall of the water level of sea which can be used to produce electric power.