Here we discuss how to format text by using different HTML Formatting tags.

. It comes in handy when you have to display ‘fine-print’. Formatting a text is an important part of modern internet web pages, even when we were limited to having text-based web browsers, text formatting such as size, orientation, etc. Browsers automatically add 1em margin before and after each paragraph. The

tag defines the paragraph.

Below is a small program using divisions for formatting the page along with some other formatting tags.

The structure tags only assist in creating or forming the basic html page from the root, that is, they do not affect or has any hand in the formatting of texts. Let's look at some examples of coding techniques to make it clear why you should indent your HTML.


, respectively when you start and finish the paragraph. The font of the text becomes similar to the one as typed using the typewriter and has a fixed width. The defines subscript texts. This is a bold and italicized text The


tags are used to define HTML headings. The HTML tags that help in structuring the HTML document are called Structure Tags. words or fragments of text that need to be presented differently. As well as before the heading a blank line is left by default. HTML Formatting Elements. The tag is a physical tag that stands for bold text, whereas the tag being a logical tag is used to emphasize the importance of the text. The HTML tags can also be simply divided based on basic categories like Basic HTML Root Tags, Formatting tags, Audio and Video Tags, Form and Input Tags, Frame Tags, Link Tags, List Tags, Table Tags, Style Tags, Meta Tags, etc.

However, this attribute can vary for different browsers.

In cases where you need to draw a horizontal line through the text, tag can be used. Start Your Free Software Development Course, Web development, programming languages, Software testing & others. Here's an example using , , and : Example 3. The four links states are: a:link - a normal, unvisited link; a:visited - a link the user has visited; a:hover - a link when the user mouses over it; a:active - a link the moment it is clicked In addition, links can be styled differently depending on what state they are in.. Let’s see it in action below: This is an alternate text. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. To specify borders for your table, you need to add the border element to your table tag: You can use the following tabs to create and format the headers and footers for your table: Cells formatted using the tag will be centered and the text will be bold.

This content is made italics with the em tag, This is normal text

Here is a sentence with strike through text . You can also go through our other suggested articles to learn more –, HTML Training (12 Courses, 19+ Projects, 4 Quizzes). If you would like to learn more about HTML5 tags, try enrolling in the HTML5 Fundamentals course.

The above distinction of the HTML tags is based on the type of tags and their utility. Any text between the opening

 tag and the closing 
tag will preserve the formatting of the source document. Table elements defined using the body tag will be left aligned and the text will be normal. All the form tags, drop-down lists, input text boxes, etc that are used in interacting with the visitor or the user. Here we discuss the Introduction and top 3 types of tags in HTML along with different examples and code implementation.

You will see many other tags having attributes later on — they are a very important part of HTML. Tip: A linked page is normally displayed in the current browser window, unless you specify another target. Similar to the tag , you can use to make text smaller on the screen without having to use CSS or headings. What is the transformed text? . This course contains 46 lectures designed to turn beginners into competent web developers. ?”> (*) and its size can be changed using . However, if a lot of variety is used for formatting, it may prove to do the opposite. I’m a web designer from Ireland, and am currently finishing my PhD in Computer Science. You will learn to work with tables and images and you will learn website basics to ensure your websites work on various browsers.

The content of both tags is displayed as strikethrough. Formatting Text with HTML tags.

You can make your text appear bold, underlined, italicized, and so much more with it.

As one begins to input more and more text elements on the website, incorporating different properties through HTML tags is the easiest way to design the text elements on the website.

Tip: If the tag has no href attribute, it is only a placeholder for a hyperlink. With modern HTML revisions, there are a ton of HTML Tags that can be used to make the text appearance to your liking. Browsers display this text as a strikethrough. In this tutorial, we will use the color attribute to format the various elements of the table in different colors. When using this tag, the text font in the document is formatted to the source code font and has a fixed width.