The formulas used for the annual growth rates are the standard ones, used both by the United Nations Statistics Division and by National Census Offices worldwide. Besides, the IDB usually takes some time before including new data, as happened in the case of Indonesia. In Europe, the economy is humming along at its fastest pace in 10 years. Since reunification, German authorities rely on a micro census. Germany is divided into 16 states, referred to collectively as Länder, and each state has its own constitution and remains fairly autonomous.

Each state also has its own capital. {\displaystyle \left({\sqrt[{5}]{\frac {p_{f}}{p_{i}}}}-1\right)\times 100} It is also the second-most populous city proper and the 7th most populous urban region in the European Union. Germany has the second largest Muslim population in Europe, at nearly 5 million, and is expected to grow significantly in the coming decades. According to current projections, Germany’s population is expected to peak at the end of 2021 with 83.9 million people. Download a sample report: Dominican Republic in 2030 : The Future Demographic. Because of this, Great Britain and France will both surpass Germany’s population. Federal Statistical Offi ce 2006. Over the Next Year, Germany Will Hit a Scary Demographic Milestone. Learn how to effectively navigate the market research process to help guide your organization on the journey to success. Executive summary The 11th population projection for Germany, a coordinated undertaking of the statis-tical offi ces of the Federation and the federal states of Germany, shows population trends until 2050. By 2050 many of the German historical figures, like Albert Schweitzer mentioned above, will be unmasked as racists and consequently removed from street names and history books and replaced with new heroes, a process that is already taking place in the US and the Netherlands. As the IDB states, "figures beyond the years 2020-2025 should be taken with caution", as the "census way towards those years has yet to be paved". Inform your marketing, brand, strategy and market development, sales and supply functions. This news was a bit of a surprise to the country, which had not conducted a single census since its reunification, even after the Berlin Wall fell in 1989. Population Pyramids: Germany - 2030. y Countries & Consumers helps international organisations understand the country environments they are operating in, and appreciate the lifestyles of consumers in national markets. Other issues concerning some countries or territories are as follows: Finally, the Eastern and Western Europe subtotals follow the former Cold War's Iron Curtain division of Europe. Interested in more insights?