They wonder what these parents do to produce so many math whizzes and music prodigies, what it's like inside the family, and whether they could do it too. I know some Korean, Indian, Jamaican, Irish, and Ghanaian parents who qualify too.

And in her sacrifices-the exacting attention spent studying her daughters' performances, the office hours lost shuttling the girls to lessons-the depth of her love for her children becomes clear. When you do not know anything different, this is normal, expected and accepted.

Sie hatte als Kind zwar selbst Klavierunterricht, entwickelt ein tiefes Verständnis für Musik aber erst, als sie den Instrumentalunterricht ihrer Töchter begleitet. Als Lulu dreizehn Jahre alt ist, ist Chua schließlich zermürbt und erlaubt ihr, das Instrument aufzugeben.

Although Chua argues in favor of the Chinese parenting style, she is merely stating the differences between the two approaches and the one she prefers. For a Chinese mother, the first hour is the easy part.

She lets us into her world and walks us through her trials and tribulations with the “Chinese mother” approach she elected to follow.

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Chua Summary Amy Chua, author of the book “Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother”, writes about the differences between Western style parenting and Chinese style parenting. Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, S. 46, 77, 86f, 181f; vgl.
Obwohl sie sich einerseits unentwegt um das Selbstwertgefühl ihrer Kinder sorgen, lassen westliche Eltern es denselben Kindern andererseits allzu bereitwillig durchgehen, wenn diese eine Sache, die nicht auf Anhieb gelingt, schnell wieder aufgeben (anstatt sie lernen zu lassen, dass sie etwas lernen, Für problematisch hält Chua auch die Auffassung westlicher Eltern, nach der Kinder ihren Eltern nichts, Eltern ihren Kindern aber alles ‒ insbesondere „. Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother By Amy Chua Hardcover, 256 pages The Penguin Press List price: $25.95.

A positive environment is one that supports all aspects of development, learning and provides ways for practitioners to extend on that, challenging children and promoting times for them to rest..
[51], Die deutsche Übersetzung des Buches erschien am 25.

What emerged is a work of self-examination about the author’s experiences raising her own two daughters. ” She tells the story of how she had called her eldest daughter, Sophia, garbage for something Chua believed to be “extremely disrespectful”, although she never mentioned the offense.