Make sure that You are not using jQuery Slim (smaller version with less functionality) because it does not support animate() function. In most cases this has to do with absolute positioning. On mobiles the javascript call simply blink on the top of the page, making our boss disappointed. How much should retail investors spend on financial data subscriptions? e.g. How can some USB 2.0 audio interfaces support phantom power through USB alone? Why is Schenker so influential in US academia? Remember that browser is parsing and executing code from start (up) to end (down). Is this 230V steampunk metal robot lamp safe? How should I tell manager?

This method is used with the scrollTop property to animate the scrolling on the page. Am I missing something? jQuery scrollTop not working on Mobile Devices (iPhone, iPad, Android Phones) ... .scrollTop(), a child method of $(selector).animate(), is not working properly on mobile devices. Please, I've already spent several hours just trying to figure out this one issue with no results, if anyone has any suggestions I'm open to it. Is it too late for me to become good at piano? Job interview adjustment request was ignored. {"z5527057":[14737000002013770,14737000002014558]}. submit button doesn't work with html code. that gets tacked on to the end of every page somehow interferes with the animation. In any other situation, by now, I would have given up and just accepted that IE can't do this, but the problem is, everyone has seen it animate for years now with scriptaculous, and it will be rough to go back and tell people that this great new framework can't do something in IE we've been doing already for years. Selling real-estate in space.

your coworkers to find and share information. Show comments Show property changes. You can also use the below options to login. I am migrating a site from prototype/scriptaculous to jQuery, and I am encountering a lot of problems with animations in IE. Here is the version that would animate scrolling up: Ugh, consider this question answered. But on my index file there's no error on the console and I did add the jquery apparently, so I'm not sure what is going on. jQuery Forum Move this topic Forum : Getting Started Using jQuery Using jQuery Plugins Using jQuery UI Developing jQuery Core Developing jQuery Plugins Developing jQuery UI QUnit and Testing About the jQuery Forum jQuery Conferences jQuery Mobile Developing jQuery Mobile And also because it's work on Firefox. I should start by asking I should start by asking animate with scrollTop does not work in IE - jQuery Forum Can employer legally stop paying time & 1/2 to exempt employee after stating in the offer that they would do so? It does work on the codepen. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. I can try pasting my whole code? var el = $("#left_runway_designer_list"); Tested in Firefox/Chrome/Safari just fine right off the bat. Employer planning on making a change that I'm prepared to quit over. How can it be allocated and how can it be marked out? Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and After adding this code, scrolling is working just fine. But... you have to continue and make an issue on Google Chrome directly :/ Because if you try to put: document.body.scrollTop = 0; it doesn't works neither. Swapping out our Syntax Highlighter. I have been trying for a while to make smooth scrolling work on my bootstrap site. Hello highlight.js! But in IE,  it just waits and then calls my callback, setting the scrollTop correctly at the end but not actually animating.