They’re often referred to as swimming noses since they can sniff out even a small amount of blood and other substances from hundreds of meters. Their eyesight is superb; they can detect colors and polarized light, and are particularly sensitive to movement, allowing them to quickly discover any potential prey or enemy. i have birds i have insects and i have sea all i need to know now is what land animal has best eye sight, nah its not human not by far!! According to scientists, eyes evolved around 540 million years ago as simple light detecting organs. But, they can move their head in 270 degrees in both left and right direction. Not to be confused with the better known, but smaller Giant Squid, the Colossal Squid is the largest invertebrate known to science; it also has the largest eyes in the animal kingdom. If you're simply measuring range of visual spectrum covered, then I suspect that humans would again be on the top. Surprisingly, instead of having eyeballs, owls eyes are shaped like tubes. They can also detect UV and polarized light which are beyond our visual spectrum. They have a strange ‘w’ shaped pupils which give them a wider range of vision. Could vaccinations have stopped the spread of plague in medieval times? But, they can move their head in 270 degrees in both left and right direction. Hammerhead sharks have one of the strangest yet interesting heads – shaped like a flattened hammer with widely set eyes.

But. My brother's turtle is outside alone. All Rights Reserved. It pays off: some birds of prey can spot and track a rabbit 1.5 kilometres (0.9 miles) away! Difference Between Human And Animal Vision. Scientists are only starting to understand the mysteries of Stomatopod vision; for the moment, we can only imagine what the world really looks like to a mantis shrimp.

If you are measuring visual acuity (ability to resolve fine detail), range of colour perception, binocular depth perception, and greatest range of focal depth, then humans definitely do have the best vision of any mammal.

Spiders are popularly known for having many eyes (although this varies greatly among the different species, with some having two, four, six or eight eyes). The weird thing about trilobite eyes is that their lenses were made of inorganic calcite crystal, a mineral that is also the main component of limestone and chalk. Cuttlefish is an incredible sea creature which can turn its color almost instantly. Also, their eyes can’t be moved like ours.

We all imagine pupils to be round – as they are the type we see most often (on humans) – but goats (and most other animals with hooves) have horizontal slits which are nearly rectangular when dilated. All eyes work by the same principle of focusing light onto the retina and translating the resultant image into neurological signals in the brain, but depending on what an animal has to do to survive, there will be different adaptations. Birds of prey boast the greatest visual acuity of all animals and zoologists believe some hawks and eagles have vision eight times sharper than ours.