it wasn't easy, but he eventually managed to become an architect, los gastos totales llegaron a 1.000 euros, the total expenditure came to 1,000 euros, there were fewer than 200 spectators there, la audiencia de este programa ha llegado a cinco millones, as many as five million people have listened to this programme, the viewing figures for this programme have been as high as five million, llegó a conocer a varios directores de cine, she met o got to know several film directors, I feared I wouldn't live to see the new year, I feared I wouldn't make it to the new year, llegué a estar tan mal, que casi no podía moverme, este pez puede llegar a alcanzar los dos metros de largo, la popularidad que un actor puede llegar a alcanzar a través de la televisión, the popularity an actor can come to attain from being on television. How to use affection in a sentence. no había nadie en la consulta, así que llegué y besé. Determining Fees. cuando llegamos a Bilbao estaba lloviendo, los vehículos están llegando a la línea de salida, ¿me puedes quitar la cortina? The shift of an initial 'l' to 'll' is not normal, but is explained by the fact that in Medieval/Old Spanish, the third-person present indicative was lieva, which was then altered into lleva; eventually this was extended to the entire verb.

What does Llegaré mean? The new King waged fierce war upon the outlaws, soon after this, and sent so many scouting parties into Sherwood and Barnesdale that Robin and his men left these woods for a time and went into Derbyshire, You can see this for yourself if you compare Surrey's poetry with Layamon's or Langland's, and then with some of the blank verse. ©2020 Reverso-Softissimo. Esta información no debe considerarse completa ni actualizada, y no está destinada a ser utilizada en lugar de una visita, consulta, asesoramiento de una persona jurídica, médica, o de cualquier otro profesional. To a point near in time, space, or relation: Not far from another in space, time, or relation: at a very small distance from (in place, time, Oolanga, having tried standing tiptoe on the highest point, As the wind had moderated, the ship stood, The author embarks with the patriarch, narrowly escapes shipwreck. → Vilket är bästa sättet att ta sig till det här hotellet? Translation of llegar at Merriam-Webster's Spanish-English Dictionary. Contenido gratuito de la página - Herramientas del administrador del sitio. ¡ha llegado el primero! Be Careful!Don't confuse the adjective 'close' with the verb close /kləʊz/. Preterite (Past Tense) Conjugation of llegar – Pretérito (pretérito perfecto simple) de llegar. Suceder una cosa a uno; venir el tiempo de hacerse una cosa. They joked about him being so near with his money. (movimiento, destino, procedencia) to arrive Carmen no ha llegado todavía Carmen hasn’t arrived yet llegaron cubiertos de barro they arrived covered in mud avíseme cuando llegue tell … Porque en. Registration fees are based on: Your vehicle type (auto, motorcycle, etc.). Ποιος είναι ο καλύτερος τρόπος για να πάω σε αυτό το ξενοδοχείο; What's the best way to get to this hotel? If something is near, near to, or close to a place or thing, it is a short distance from it. I will take a present to Rosa for her birthday. La expresión llegar a casa es una excepción, ya que se traduce por arrive/get home, es decir, sin preposición: Llegamos al aeropuerto con cuatro horas de retraso, We arrived at the airport four hours late, Translation Spanish - English Collins Dictionary, Collaborative Dictionary     Spanish-English, get here/there on time ; make it (here/there) on time, 'llegar' also found in translations in English-Spanish dictionary, You want to reject this entry: please give us your comments (bad translation/definition, duplicate entries...), Spanish Portuguese translation in context, Free: Learn English, French and other languages, Reverso Documents: translate your documents online, Learn English watching your favourite videos, All Spanish-English translations from our dictionary. ©2020 Reverso-Softissimo. You can also refer to someone as a 'near relative', but this is less common.