Self-confessed "greatest living rock star on the planet" Kanye was fourth with 5,069 words, while Dylan trundled into fifth to break up the rap reign with 4,883 words and be credited with using a new word most frequently at one every nine words on average. Ted Cruz twice used catastrophic to describe the international agreement on Iran’s nuclear program, negotiated in part by Secretary of State John Kerry. But there were also some not-so-presidential words that Rand Paul might deem sophomoric. However, it's essential to learn the right English vocabulary words, so you don't waste your time trying to memorize a huge collection with very little benefit. The list below seems long, but when you can use all these words with confidence, your English vocabulary will be fully functional. Donald Trump used assimilation in answering a question about the importance of speaking English in the United States. Listen to all | All sentences (with pause) Used with adverbs: " We fully debated on religion in schools. “We’ve had one novice being commander-in- chief. But he also applied it to the home front, as an implicit criticism of his fellow Republicans for infighting rather than following the Reaganesque policy of staying positive and keeping the party united together. In this guide, we give you a comprehensive list of 262 of the most common SAT vocabulary words. We have to have assimilation – to have a country, we have to have assimilation.”. Analysis Here, Bush mentions beefing up cybersecurity, and at another point, Ted Cruz invoked the principle of “Peace Through Strength,” a phrase which has ancient roots but is most often associated these days with Ronald Reagan.

“Gutting” is appropriate, as eviscerate literally means to remove the guts, or viscera, from something. “We work better when we are unified… We will be stronger when we are unified… Lift Americans, unify, give hope, grow America, and restore it to that great, shining city on a hill.”. The remaining 10% you'll be able to learn from context, or ask questions about. All rights reserved. You have called it a lame idea. "It gives us a peek into the minds of different songwriters, some tear your heart with just a few words while others paint an intricate picture with a thousand words," the company's statement read.

And finally, has also identified the most relevant words for the four “undercard” candidates in the preliminary debate broadcast earlier in the evening by CNN. Bob Dylan may be revered as a poet for his songwriting ability, but Eminem and Kanye West have both been found to use a wider vocabulary than the folk legend. We haven't heard this one much lately, but it's a legitimate word. At the second Republican presidential debate, held last night at the Reagan Presidential Library and aired on CNN, the candidates jockeyed for the attention of primary voters. With 2,500 to 3,000 words, you can understand 90% of everyday English conversations, English newspaper and magazine articles, and English used in the workplace. Carson wants to raise the Federal Minimum Wage. So, before we reveal each candidates’ most relevant word, let’s first run down the nominees for the Least Presidential Vocabulary Item of the second GOP debate. And I think that where he was, and the way it came out didn’t sound right to me.