Sacks finishes his book with a discussion of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Another option, auditory integration therapy (AIT), is often used in autism treatment. It affects 1 in 50,000 people. Fletcher PD, Downey LE, Witoonpanich P and Warren JD (2013) The brain basis of musicophilia: evidence from frontotemporal lobar degeneration. I’ve also had head trauma experiences as a child so that might play something into it. Kramer concluded his review by writing, "Sacks is, in short, the ideal exponent of the view that responsiveness to music is intrinsic to our makeup. I would suggest, as a starting point, that you might contact the authors of the paper I wrote about in this blog. The first of many tales within the book ”Musicophilia” contains one of the most compelling patient cases of this condition.

Sacks writes about Parkinson’s disease, and how, similar to with people who suffer from Tourette’s, music with a strong rhythmic beat can help with movement and coordination. Psychiatr. Start with Jason Warren at UCL –, © 2020 Music Psychology – All rights reserved, Powered by  – Designed with the Customizr theme, Musicophilia – real but poorly understood.

Brain 134, 2565–2581. By the time they figured out what was causing Gayle's seizures, Mehta had to confront Gayle with some bad news: The only way to stop the seizures was to remove all of the brain cells that acted up during her episodes. J. Neurol. Natl.

Brain 134, 2456–2477. The music serves as a cane to these patients, and when the music is taken away, the symptoms return.

"I'm living this life and it's not the way I want to live."

Interestingly the onset of the condition was often marked by a change in genre preference, e.g. While listening to some songs, none of which are classical.mind you, I get these odd, hard to describe feelings. The groups did not differ in age, gender, or years of education and they performed similarly on tests of executive function, memory and visuoperceptual skills. When it comes to which music people respond best to, it is a matter of individual background. Most of the documented studies for children have shown a positive effect in promoting self-actualization and developing receptive, cognitive, and expressive capabilities. doi:10.1016/S1474-4422(11)70158-2, Platel, H., Baron, J. C., Desgranges, B., Bernard, F., and Eustache, F. (2003). Neuronal correlates of perception, imagery, and memory for familiar tunes.

But, she couldn't handle the noises on the subway, and she would seize frequently both on her commute and at the office.