Think of V8 as the engine that takes in raw JavaScript and runs it on the hardware. Surveiller l’état de la boucle d’événement est indispensable pour empêcher des dysfonctionnements et peut être utilisé pour créer des alertes, forcer un redémarrage ou aider à scaler l’app. ), the event loop will take care of those heavy duties and return the result to the event of the event loop. C’est dans celui-ci que l’ensemble du code sera traité.

At the timers phase of the event loop, Node will check the timers heap for expired timers/intervals and will call their callbacks respectively. All the nasty sync stuff that should normally happen in multi threaded environments will be abstracted out by nodejs framework and you can happily work on your single thread (main node thread) in a more programmer friendly environment (while benefiting from all the performance enhancements of multiple threads). (When is the thread pool used? Code that executes asynchronously is unpredictable and difficult to trace when there are bugs. Then after we have three output, Timer 1 finished this line is expected because of phase one as we discuess before, but after that I/O finished should be printed, because we discuess that setImmediate runs after the I/O callback phase, but this code is actually not in an I/O cycle, so it is not running inside of the event loop, because it's not runnin inside of any callback function. The Loop dies at the end. Earth was suddenly teleported away from the sun. So, to ace that job interview about the loop, avoid fancy jargon like “event emitter” or “reactor pattern”. If the loop has active handles, active requests, or closing handles, it’s alive. It’s a humble single-threaded loop, concurrent, and non-blocking. The problem is inescapable because modern computing has multiple cores. As soon as an I/O operation is completed it's callback will be pushed on the event loop. Some part (mostly heavy duties) might get offloaded to the thread pool

Using a simple diagram of the Event Loop, I explain the 5 main phases that make up a Cycle (Tick) and what each phase is used for. Let’s see what we came up with. Il est cependant à utiliser avec parcimonie car son utilisation trop fréquente peut forcer l’event loop à se concentrer exclusivement sur le traitement de la nextTickQueue et la bloquer entre deux phases.

Node internals have two main parts: the V8 JavaScript engine, and libuv. On pourrait dès lors par exemple imposer un seuil limite à partir duquel notre application serait considérée comme surchargée et appliquer automatiquement les mesures nécessaires. Because the loop doesn’t block, it’s free to work on more than one web request at a time. In this take, I’ll show you how Node deals with this quagmire via the event loop. La boucle d’événement passe ensuite à la phase suivante, toujours à l’intérieur du même tick. The biggest question the event loop must answer is whether the loop is alive. Si vous avez suivi notre guide Node.js, vous savez que Node repose sur trois bases fondamentales : le moteur JavaScript V8 de Google, une API de bas niveau nommée libuv et une boucle d’événement plus communément appelée event loop. If there are any idle handles, timeout is 0. Now let's add some delay: In the first cycle inside I/O everything executed, but because of the dealy Timer-2 executed inside its code in the second cycle.

Node thread keeps an event loop and whenever a task gets completed, it fires the corresponding event which signals the event-listener function to execute. How does the highlight.js change affect Stack Overflow specifically? For the setTimeout execution, the function will be registered in the queue of the timers phase. I hope this post did shed some light on the topic.

There usually will be several asynchronous concurrent paths of execution that are being managed by the event loop. Multiple requests can get queued at the same time, which makes it concurrent. Maybe you should too?