The template parameter can be any of the following: If data is an array, the template is rendered once for each data item in the array. 117. This article shows an approach to adding HTML content that is common, but results in poor readability.
Rendering Removed trailing white space (end of lines) throughout. Note that documentation for the jQuery Templates plugin is no longer maintained on the jQuery documentation site. The Kendo UI Templates provide a simple-to-use, high-performance JavaScript templating engine within the Kendo UI toolkit.. Templates offer a way to create HTML chunks that can be automatically merged with JavaScript data. A compiled-template function (see jQuery.template() and .template()). Templates are applied to data objects or arrays, and rendered into the HTML DOM. The template tag syntax is similar. Currently, our HTML template is constructed inside the JavaScript file. Updated jQuery factory method, CommonJS no longer supported, jQuery Templates and JsViews: The Roadmap,,,

JQuery templating let you render JSON to HTML … Template libraries help further break apart JavaScript and HTML code by letting you use placeholders inside your HTML string.

jQuery Templates is no longer in active development, and has been superseded by options An optional map of user-defined key-value pairs. There's one positive thing to note about the code above. The beta1 version of jQuery Templates is available on CDN at: The following is a restoration of jQuery's official documentation on tmpl() as it was on 12/28/2012. Using jQuery is an easy way to create a new HTML element in JavaScript. A string corresponding to the name of a named template (see jQuery.template() and .template()). Every time $.tmpl( markup , myData ).appendTo( "#target" ) is called, the template is recompiled. To get started using jQuery templates you must have both the core jQuery API and the jQuery template API. For an example of how to use inline markup, see .tmpl(). This project was maintained by the jQuery team as an official jQuery plugin. This makes it easy to re-use this code when you want to display a different article. The return value is a jQuery collection of elements made up of the rendered template items (one for each data item in the array).
version added: 1.4.3