(Didn't want to drag GCPD through the dirt)

* I claimed that what happened to Falcone wasn't justice. The guide contents include all dialogues available in the game, along with the choices that are an effect of certain dialogue lines. Hill, the guy running against Harvey, who's willing to go to any length to undermine him, the guy that would let Harvey die if the roles were reversed... yet he still tried to save him. Also I guess Bruce is going got get laid so. Plus Harvey didn't become Two-face, so yay. Decide whether you are going to use the syringe to ease Falcone's pain, or to hurt him. I needed info. * I tried to kiss Selina. Catwoman can take care of herself. I tried to kiss Selina Also I guess Bruce is going got get laid so, © 2019 Telltale, Incorporated. Same choices except I visited Hill as Batman. I didn't accept Hill's deal and told him that I'd keep monetizing Harvey's campain. You have to admit, him asking you to keep giving him money even though h… moree's going to attack you and your family in the media is an extremely sleazy thing to do. And Gordon was not nice to Bruce at the beggining, saying Bruce is lucky to have Harvey as friend otherwise he wouldn't let him in. According to the stats so far, most players continued funding him, but it wouldn't surprise me if some people felt that showed his true colors and decided to pull the funds and save Catwoman as a result. The game is a fresh interpretation of the Batman mythos, not being tied to any existing iteration, and set in modern times. Eventually I decided to save Harvey hoping that Selina could take care of herself. I just hope she doesn't hate me for not saving her. Although it kinda was?

* I told Harvey I'd keep monetizing his campain. He had no problem throwing you under the bus and bad mouthing your family while he still wanted to be funded by you. I wanted to help Vicki as much as I can. Bruce is gonna get laid either way. The guide will allow you to get acquainted with all dialogues that appear in the game. Hopefully based o… moren our relationship with Harvey we can stop him from becoming Two-Face, I mean, Hill is gone so Harvey could maybe still win Mayor, we could give him some money to fix up his face, good and new!

Harvey owes Bruce too but didn't want to get involved in your situation and didn't want to help. Wait Harvey actually became Two face if you saved Catwoman? * I didn't reveal what Montoya did to Vicky. He's corrupted, manipulative, has no problem throwing someone under the bus even if they're a dear friend, and is easily swayed by money. No relationship for me. Batman: The Telltale Series, also known as Telltale's Batman, is an episodic point-and-click graphic adventure video game developed and published by Telltale Games. Lots of people saving Harvey cause they didn't want him to become two-face.Well I saved Selina cause I want Harvey to be Two-Face. I eased Falcone's pain. All rights reserved. Call Gordon - this option will result in Gordon, Montaya, and either Blake or Avesta (depending on your choices in the previous episode) coming to the hangar. I think it's ironic that he turns into two face considering he is two faced. I'm sure Harvey will still become Two Face this is telltale we are talking about, their choices never actually have a lasting impact. I was scared when Penguin injected both Harvey and Hill with the drug that makes them tell the truth, but I'm glad Harvey really does care about Gotham. She mentioned the evidence I gave her, but it was more of a "Yeah, thanks for the data, now tell me what happened there.".

I'm sure she's been through worse. She mentioned the evidence to me as well, but she said, and I'm paraphrasing here, "Word is you handed over enough evidence to keep Falcone in Blackgate for years". Eased Falcone's pain. * I chose to visit Hill as Bruce. * I didn't accept Hill's deal and told him that I'd keep monetizing Harvey's campain. Hopefully based on our relationship with Harvey we can stop him from becoming Two-Face, I mean, Hill is gone so Harvey could maybe still win Mayor, we could give him some money to fix up his face, good and new! Even though I love Harvey. Children of Arkham is the second episode of Batman's adventures created by Telltale Games. I would love to hear people's opinions for saving Catwoman (other than her being a love interest).