Chile, Un País Hecho De Piedra y Acero!! Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. – No, si ya salimos.- “Cómo está tu pega? During the summer, I studied abroad in Costa Rica for 6 weeks. Qué foooome.” “Qué weeeeno” “Weeeena, weon” “Yapo!” “Vamo’ altiro” “Vamo’ pa’lla” “CuÁtico!”. And our Chilean culture class involves a mix of modern history and literature, so I was obviously thrilled.

Here come some “fancy”words you may hear and use: electro music ( that’s actually the rhythm of electronic music). Chile is a country that is uniquely different. View Complete Detail Of name Yapo Cherif Jules , cote-d-ivoire Baby Names Yapo Cherif Jules . Pucha: damn it            La hueva: stuff, Pololo/Polola: Boyfriend/girlfriend          Al tiro: right now, Huevon(a): Guy / stupid guy (use with caution)      Paco: cop (never in front of them), Sipo (Siiiipô)/ Nopo /yapo: Yes , no , ok          Chabela: Ciao / good bye, La raja (rrraja, good luck to pronounce it ! You don’t just go to sleep, you go to tutito. Name Detail Of Yapo Cherif Jules With Meaning , Origin and Numorology .

We haven’t gotten much more exploring done since Sunday as classes have picked up, but tonight we have a huge group dinner with all of the students, our professors, program directors, and our mamás and I welcome the break gladly. Sípo- it simply means YES…..b. Ex. This gesture of respect has been so ingrained in you that you’ve taken to curtsying upon exiting a room. U.S. Census Bureau: Frequently Occurring Surnames from the Census 2000 (public domain).

In other countries, you fawn over the puppies you pass in the streets and yearn for the slobber of a dog you can call your own, but with Chile’s myriad mangy mutts roaming around in the streets, you’ve sort of overdosed on dogs. No, I do not speak of pickpockets or piropo (the incessant whistling, honking, and shouts of “ayyy mamí” typically associated with Latin American countries – which by the way, is quite minimal here), the warnings to which I am referring are regarding classes.
So you never just drink water, you drink aguita.
When you stuff your face with food, you’re called chanchito (little pig). ( Log Out /  Chile’s rivers are in danger of exploitation.

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On another fun note, a group of us are planning a trip to the beach this Saturday. Quite possibly the most refreshing snack on a hot afternoon. What Windex is to Greek fathers in popular Hollywood films, avocados are to real life Chileans.

What a better way to start a guide than with a short wakeup call about Chilean expressions in order to get fully integrated with locals. You almost understand the meaning of huevón / weón / aweonado / wea.

Upon hearing the frequent use of the word “taco,” a newbie to Chile might salivate, don a bib, and stock up on salsa, but as a cultural Chilean you know that “tacos” are, unfortunately, traffic jams…not loaded tortillas.