However, Spanish-speakers refer to the hour, such as What is the hour?

This often makes it difficult to learn the formal way of telling time when referring to the left side of the clock (12:31, 1:45, 5:55, etc.) You'll also find such gems as. What time is it, please? This lovely page and This exhaustive lesson with tests quizzes and a podcast, on this very topic. Siempre miro las noticias por las mañanas. The sentence structure for telling time in Spanish – Diciendo la hora. |   It is 10:30 ten thirty in the morning = Son las diez y media de la mañana. Telling time is an important thing to know how to do and learning how to tell time in Spanish is not a difficult task as …

Telling Time in Spanish the Informal Way (slang) When we want to talk about PM we use de la tarde or de la noche or por la tarde or por la noche, depending on whether it is afternoon or night. Remember to add “de la” before these words to indicate that it’s in the morning/evening/afternoon and it’s specific time. Words related to time in Spanish are usually feminine. 8 Answers. Or did you want to know how to write timeS (X) when you are multiplying one number by another number? This will be explained in the following sections. 24706 views. Of the 21 Spanish-speaking countries in the world, only the U.S., Mexico, Spain, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay participate in Daylight Savings Time. In Spain, the date order is invariably day, month, year. Just on the first page of a google search on the topic you'll find links to several discussions on here about it. and at what time? HELPFUL TIPS WHEN WRITING TIME IN SPANISH, When speaking, times in Spanish are given in AM/PM form (but saying de la mañana (morning), de la tarde (afternoon), de la noche, (evening/night) or de la madrugada (late night) to distinguish between AM and PM. Quarter past the hour some other letters you might want to be familiar with are p-o-r, f-a-v-o-r & g-r-a-c-i-a-s. Do you want to know, How do you write the time in Spanish? Three symbols are in use for the separator: the stroke, the hyphen and sometimes the dot.The hyphen tends to be clearly long when handwritten. These are just a couple of phrases but you can see using this approach can help you learn the Spanish language quick and easy. We will never sell or rent your email address. Welcome to SpanishDict. Usual examples are: 23 de febrero, date of a failed coup d'êtat in Spain (1981), 11 de septiembre, date of the attack to the Twin Towers (2001) (and. Es la una (if the time is within the 1 o’clock hour) or Son las + the hour (if the time is after 1 o’clock) To express the time after the hour (but before half past the hour), use y (and) and the number of minutes.

How to say AM or PM in Spanish? We use Es la for 1:00 because the hour is 1.

Note that tiempo is the literal Spanish word for time. Leon Sariah  |  

Well don't that beat all? Most of these are very acceptable although there are some shortcuts used by some people which are considered to be a sign of poor grammar in some circles. o. Poetry in Celluloid As Authentic Materials for Contemporary Skills Integration, Scientific Strength of Writing Systems - Observation On Major Scripts, Scientific Strength of Writing Systems - The Aspects, Tourist Attractions of Buenos Aires and the Possibilities of Studying Spanish, Importance of Online Islamic Classes For Female Kids And Adults, Comprehending the King James Bible (Part 1): Thou and Ye,,­Dates-­and-­Time-­in-­Spanish&id=1206700. It's 9:00 AM or It's 9:00 in the morning. or The hour is two. When we talk about the hour of the day in English we refer to it as the time, such as What time is it? Submitted On June 18, 2008. BUT... You have a fair point. On the other hand, in most countries times are, rendered in 24-hour format, with a colon separating hours andminutes: 9 o'clock AM nueve de la mañana (spoken: noo-WEH-vay day la mahn-YAH-nah), 9:00 (written), doce y media de la mañana (spoken: DOH-say ee MAY-dee-yah day la, una de la tarde (spoken: OOH-nah day lah TAHR-day), 13:00 (written), diez de la noche (spoken: dee-AYSS day la NOH-chay), 22:00 (written), dos de la madrugada or dos de la mañana (spoken: DOHSS day la, mah-drooh-GAH-dah or DOHSS day la mahn-YAH-nah), 2:00 (written), __ minute(s) __ minuto(s) (mee-NOOH-toh(ss)), __ week(s) __ semana(s) (say-MAH-nah(ss)). Some of these methods are considered proper, but others are considered to be a sign of bad grammar. Son las is used all the rest of the time. Article Source: = ¿Qué hora es, por favor? Things to Look for When Hiring a Translation Service Provider. How to tell time when it is directly on the hour To identify what time it is when it is on the hour, such as 1:00, 3:00, or 9:00 we say Es la una, Son las tres, or Son las nueve.. We use Es la for 1:00 because the hour is 1.

Basic PLUS Author Here's a pretty cool new technology that can help you as well. The following diagram and explanation will help you understand the basics of telling time between 1 minute after the hour to 1 minute before the hour: Talking about quarter past the hour or half past the hour Most Spanish-speaking people use more informal ways of telling time in their everyday lives. (Remember, in Spanish we talk about the hour rather than the time as we do in English). Home Q&A How to write the time in Spanish?

To a North American it may seem that Hispanics have a very relaxed view of times and deadlines.