Solfège syllables are commonly used for ear training to help students hear notes in the context of a key. Yah Cheryl- it kind of depends on where you are in the world.

And in the opposite direction, to obtain the frequency from a MIDI note p, the formula is defined as: For notes in an A440 equal temperament, this formula delivers the standard MIDI note number (p). The idea of this so-called "movable do," first suggested by John Curwen in the 19th century, was fully developed and involved into a whole educational system by Zoltán Kodály in the middle of the 20th century, which system is known as the Kodály method or Kodály concept. There should be no need to fix the DO to be anything else rather then C, Yup. These evolved into the modern flat (♭) and natural (♮) symbols respectively. In English usage a note is also the sound itself. Or if you are in the key of A Major, “do” is A, “re” is B, “mi” is C#. In most countries using these suffixes, the letter H is used to represent what is B natural in English, the letter B is used instead of B♭, and Heses (i.e., H) is used instead of B (although Bes and Heses both denote the English B).

It should help me transcribe music, and write music. ABC starts off the sequence of letters in the English alphabet, and they are a way of categorizing the sounds we hear and speak in the English language. LOL how about I just whistle it for you! Throughout, I will use the movable Do system when using solfège syllables.

Technically any note you play on the fretboard is a “musical note” If you are referring to playing scales then you would have to play specific notes. I believe movable DO makes more sense though it will be confusing for you if you are accustomed to fixed DO. In eleventh-century Italy, the music theorist Guido of Arezzo invented a notational system that named the six notes of the hexachord after the first syllable of each line of the Latin hymn Ut queant laxis, the "Hymn to St. John the Baptist", yielding ut, re, mi, fa, sol, la. StudyBass always uses the American-English names for rhythmic values. For the key of G major, the movable DO syllables would look like this: Which system to use is a matter of opinion. Since the physical causes of music are vibrations of mechanical systems, they are often measured in hertz (Hz), with 1 Hz meaning one vibration per second. The 6th-century philosopher Boethius is known to have used the first fourteen letters of the classical Latin alphabet (the letter J did not exist until the 16th century), to signify the notes of the two-octave range that was in use at the time[7] and in modern scientific pitch notation are represented as. Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do C2 B A G F E D Do Ti La So Fa Me Re. Two notes with fundamental frequencies in a ratio equal to any integer power of two (e.g., half, twice, or four times) are perceived as very similar. Although Boethius is the first author known to use this nomenclature in the literature, Ptolemy wrote of the two-octave range five centuries before, calling it the perfect system or complete system – as opposed to other, smaller-range note systems that did not contain all possible species of octave (i.e., the seven octaves starting from A, B, C, D, E, F, and G). Each note of the musical scale is given a different syllable – Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La and Ti. If you are in the key of C Major, “do” would be C, “re” would be D, and “mi” would be E, etc.

These became the basis of the solfège system.

The official name for this is “solfege”. (See also: Key signature names and translations.).

~Rebecca. Using SG18, teach students the solfège hand signs that can go along with a major scale. Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Si. The sharp symbol arose from a barred b, called the "cancelled b". In this system A4 is nowadays standardised at 440 Hz, lying in the octave containing notes from C4 (middle C) to B4. Musical terminology varies from language to language. The sharp sign ♯ raises a note by a semitone or half-step, and a flat ♭ lowers it by the same amount. My four year old grandson will be able to share his music adventures with me and I should be able to reciprocate intelligently with him.