But the Scriptures do give us true and unified knowledge about our Creator, our own nature, and our environment. It “hurts” our pride, for example, by reminding us that we are basically nothing before the power of God (Daniel 4:35) and that even the world’s mightiest empires are like a drop from a bucket or some dust on the scales (Isaiah 40:15, 17). But how can a message hurt us and heal us? This is what Jesus meant when he said, “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32). I went to his house, and he was a complete mess. There are many times when you answer the phone and someone asks for your parents, although a child simply asks who it is and hands the phone to them. Hi there, would you like to get such a paper? It is only fair if you would like the same done for you. I mean that truth reveals to us things about ourselves that we don’t like to hear, at least not initially. ... A natural example of this point can be found by looking at the two seas in the Holy Land. Or as one Christian artist sings: “When what is true / looks more like a knife / It looks like you’re killing me / but you’re saving my life” (Derek Webb, “I See Things Upside Down”). On the other hand, it is likely you want people to tell you the truth even if it hurts. We talked about it, and I then told him that if he did not tell the truth, it would backfire. Dog Dementia: What It Looks Like and What Can Done About It. Or maybe you share subtle hints, hoping they will understand and fix their appearance or behavior without you having to be bluntly honest. He told me not to worry about it and that he could handle it. As a child, many like to answer the phone. Yet you still stay silent. And then one day I confronted him about it, asking him if his girlfriend said it was ok for him to start smoking. The other option is death (Rom. Truth Hurts - essay example for free Newyorkessays - database with more than 65000 college essays for studying 】 Lesson 75: John 16:7-15 – Sometimes The Truth Hurts. (Well, some people get more creative. That is the bad news. His interests include the intersection of theology, ethics, and the Christian life. Let a Professional Writer Help You, © New York Essays 2020.

It would be like trying to deny the existence of gravity as you jump off a cliff. Making the Most of a Disturbing Situation, 7 Tips for Talking About Anything With Anyone, Five Conversational Weapons That Can Kill a Relationship, 8 Ways Your Body Speaks Way Louder Than Your Words, 3 Highly Effective Ways to Give Critical Feedback.

We fear conflict. God wants to save your life. Lying usually doesn’t work to your advantage. If we can be honest about ourselves, if we can believe what God says about our sin, about our need for him, and about his provision for us in Christ, we can be healed. Speaking a Truth that Hurts Mustering the Courage to Give Direct Feedback . she asked. A loving relationship can be an oasis in uncertain times, but nurturing it requires attention, honesty, openness, vulnerability, and gratitude. Why does the truth hurt? Hire a Professional to Get Your 100% Plagiarism Free Paper. In other words, the healing and hurting are connected for a purpose. In fact, that’ll only make things worse for us. We are humans who depend on relationships to survive. All this gives us a fresh perspective to what the author of Hebrews meant when he said the Scriptures are sharper than a sword. When the Spirit of God uses truth from the Scriptures, whether delivered by a sermon of the church, a conversation over coffee, or an idea brought to mind, we ought not bury it. It was a convenient excuse to say what he wanted without having to care about how he said it (not to mention whether or not it was actually a true statement).

Some people do this by leaving their church family (or their community group, or their circle of friends) every time something is said that offends them. It was only a matter of time before someone found out the truth, and since they had mutual friends, someone was bound to tell her. If what Jesus said about being set free by the truth and “dying to self” have any importance to us (and they should! Adults are no better. Trust, in terms of the truth, is what either holds something together or tears it apart. To be “healed” is to be cured of a problem.

We fear accountability. How about receiving a customized one? His girlfriend on the other hand was extremely upset. What’s the Hardest Part of Making an Apology. Thus subconsciously reinforcing that it is acceptable to lie occasionally. Some of us may be able to sympathize with the fellow who received a call from his wife just as she was about to fly home from Europe. 1.

Like a surgeon that must cut his patient in order to heal his body, the truth is a sharp-edged sword that must pierce our heart before it can heal our souls. The content of this field is kept private and will not be shown publicly. “Hey, everyone!