Aun fracasado, el movimiento radical es un toque de alarma a la placidez del Régimen y mueve a algunos dirigentes, como Carlos Pellegrini, a reflexionar sobre una reforma en el sistema político. In the long run, the pact may have done more to destroy the Liberal party than preserve it. Despite the stunning success of the offensive, the German army had significantly overstretched itself without achieving a decisive victory - a factor that would contribute to its eventual defeat. The May Committee recommended slashing government expenditure, including unemployment benefit. La función predominante de la Oficina de Trabajo será llevar estadísticas sobre el estado de la clase obrera. Women could now become magistrates, solicitors and barristers. El otro, la colisión del buque Colombia con el navío alemán Schlesiens, frente al puerto de Montevideo. The two countries were united in their suspicion of Germany's ambitions. The campaign in Norway ended when the German invasion of France and the Low Countries changed the focus of the war. La obra duró varios años y fue modificada varias veces pero llega finalmente a buen término y el edificio constituirá desde entonces una de las joyas de Buenos Aires. También se funda en El Palomar la Escuela de Aviación y la gente se va acostumbrando a ver aparatos más pesados que el aire en los cielos argentinos. The island of Sicily gave the Allies a foothold for the invasion of mainland Italy, which began in September. After a prolonged battle, Axis forces started withdrawing from the island on 11 August. Llega quien será el futuro Presidente, Roque Sáenz Peña, ministro de nuestro país en Roma, quien promete sanear el sistema electoral. Un grupo "patriótico" (nombre que adopta un grupo parapolicial) incendia La Protesta publicación anarquista y saquea la redacción del diario socialista La Vanguardia. In response, the Allies gave French general Ferdinand Foch overall responsibility for coordinating their armies on the Western Front. The Allies were forced to evacuate. This treaty ended the war between the breakaway southern Irish Republic and Britain, and was supposed to resolve the sectarian 'Ulster problem' by partitioning Ireland.
With the IRA unable to deliver a decisive victory, and the British government increasingly worried about rising casualties and international criticism over its conduct of the war, a truce was called in July 1921. July 29: Italy's King Umberto is assassinated after several years of social unrest and the imposition of martial law. A Franco-German settlement was negotiated, but the British were alarmed, fearing the Germans planned to turn Agadir into a naval base. Prime Minister Ramsay Macdonald asked a commission, headed by Sir George May, to investigate Britain's dire economic situation.
... 1900 to 1914 Timeline created by AbigailMarie2014. Además, un equipo de polo viaja a Gran Bretaña y logra un buen desempeño frente a equipos locales. Returning soldiers wanted social reforms and had rejected the 'war leader' Churchill in favour of Labour's Clement Attlee. Illness had forced Liberal Prime Minister Henry Campbell-Bannerman to resign, and he was succeeded by Herbert Asquith. These visits, his apparently genuine concern for the underprivileged and his official overseas tours on behalf of his father made him popular in Britain and abroad.

Labour won 287 seats, the Conservatives 262 and the Liberals 59.

The Ottoman Empire in turn declared a military 'jihad' in November. The British Grand Fleet clashed with the German High Seas Fleet at Jutland in the North Sea, but the heavily outnumbered Germans managed to escape in the night. La Aduana descubre un contrabando en un buque de esa nacionalidad en el puerto de Buenos Aires, pero al intentar detener a los culpables, el resto de la tripulación los rescata con intervención (se dijo que para apaciguar los ánimos) de marineros del buque de guerra italiano Fieramosca.

The monarch visited his armies on several battle fronts and founded the George Cross for 'acts of the greatest heroism or of the most conspicuous courage in circumstances of extreme danger'. The Atlantic Charter, agreed by British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and US President Franklin Roosevelt, set out the principles that would shape the struggle against German aggression. It retreated after an initial engagement close to the Belgian border at Mons, then took part in a successful counter-attack on the river Marne in early September. France and Britain were commanded to govern their mandates in the interests of their inhabitants, until these territories were ready to be admitted to the League of Nations.