Can I Be Your spring bloom That eternal color You wait for No matter the darkness No matter the dirt Can I be My own Inner noon That breaks The bleakest morning Into two Can we Be The patient Seed Holy small and awakening That life that we get to lead Despite the frost That covers Our lawn. The story of the shoe in my stories this evening. Looking into the lions mouth and realizing that it’s actually the truest path towards my higher self. When Jena Malone's name came up for the role of District 7's bold victor over other named candidates, some gossip experts inferred that Malone herself may have been playing games with the media to secure her status as the trailblazing tribute. This is my time for self love, masturbation, writing poetry, reading books, planning my garden, mediation , editing little art videos , FaceTime dates with girlfriends.

Apparently, she got pregnant during her parents’ one-night stand. It’s a wild and holy practice. And it never gets old. Lucid and captured on my tongue. There were words that needed describing, things that needed to be seen and stories that needed to be collected and retold. Also I’m stronger, sexier, healthier, happier and more dedicated to my personal expansion that mirrors the divine light of the universe then I ever was. Jena Malone has been playing "the brave one" in movies like Saved! She is a recipient of Saturn Awards, Teen Choice Awards, etc. I’m interested in your night time rituals after you put your little ones to bed ? Today, at 28, she's fearless yet again as Catching Fire's ax-wielding badass Johanna Mason. Her grandfather owned a casino, Karl's Silver Club, in Sparks. And age is meaningless when you share the same emotional landscape.i love you monk. Walking into the new year with some old friends I haven’t seen for awhile. Gratitude is too simple of a word to describe how it feels to look back at my trajectory. When I am weak from the bleakness that surrounds , I always fall back on the warm bed of poetry to help lift me back into the dance of being truly seen and heard. When I mother for others there is always a depletion that doesn’t get addressed. Amassing a narrative of truth that can change the world as we know it. Ladies and gentlemen, we continue our journey of improvisational shows in June. If I had to write an epitaph in this moment it may be this. The side matter. Let ___________ Close the loop Of your open wound #grief #radicalselfhealing #insertyourowncure by the mystic @jennyparking, Oh tender tending the true. And I’ll give you everything I can without dropping my own self advocacy . The couple started dating in 2019. The drama Stepmom brought the lead role; Jena collaborated with Julia Roberts, Susan Sarandon, and Ed Harris. How you were the man of the family. (2004), Donnie Darko (2001), Into the Wild (2007), the Hunger Game movie series, etc. In 2006, Sean Penn offered the woman to play Carine McCandless in Into the Wild; besides, Jena was the narrator there. I hope you get shit faced with those that can mirror that gorgeous light. Like his mind cooked up something so beautiful for me he can hardly find his breath to share. Los Angeles , you have watched my private moments closer then I have. You are the flower of the season and the thorn of the past. Where you can wear nipple tassels and sequined undies and a cape and still be deeply loved and supported and seen. You and I Caught In that passing perfect Light Across the sky How you easily fill Each moment With eternity And I’m forever yours And you my darling Are forever a light. Almost my love. Or the mom shaming. A friend. And I love you all. It’s all we can do. We have always been each other’s resting points. I use to use this time for dishes and preparing for the next day but I realized that doing chores with my child was so much more rewarding for us both and there is no preparing for tomorrow with a toddler. Single mamas? I’ve learned that as I traverse my journey of evolution , when I’m considering letting a new person into my heart, the most important thing you can do is get to know their friends. The mother had to bring up Jena and her half-sister Madison alone; a friend helped her. Life is a trip. He is teaching me that every letter is a question. Hey , can we all tag someone that helps us feel seen when our eyes have gone weary from being overlooked.