[see also: HIV/AIDS - deaths country ranks ] total population: 77.8 years HIV/AIDS - deaths: <100 [see also: Total fertility rate country ranks ] HIV/AIDS - deaths: <100 (2016) (2020 est.) (2015 est.) [See also: Healthy Life Expectancy ] (2018 est. The global sex ratio in the world was approximately 1 016 males to 1 000 females as of 2019. 179 [see also: Urbanization - rate of urbanization country ranks ] Literacy rate for adult female population is 99.64% (2,380,990 persons). [see also: Unemployment, youth ages 15-24 - male country ranks ]

Infant mortality rate: [see also: Total fertility rate country ranks ]

65 years and over: 0.65 male(s)/female 65 years and over: 17.05%

at birth: 1.07 male(s)/female [see also: Dependency ratios - potential support ratio country ranks ] ), HIV/AIDS - adult prevalence rate: <.1% total population: 77.8 years

[see also: School life expectancy (primary to tertiary education) - total country ranks ] 25-54 years: 1.02 male(s)/female

(2018 est.) 120

203 (2017 est.

), Age structure:

8,948 are illiterate. )country comparison to the world (CIA rank, may be based on non-current data): [see also: School life expectancy (primary to tertiary education) - total country ranks ]

[see also: Sex ratio - 15-24 years country ranks ] (2020 est. (2015 est.) (2015 est.

(2020 est.

(2020 est.) [see also: Unemployment, youth ages 15-24 - female country ranks ] Obesity - adult prevalence rate: 20.5% total: 18.9% total: 18.9% 141 Population in Slovakia is expected to reach 5.47 Million by the end of 2020, according to Trading Economics global macro models and analysts expectations.

female: 81.6 years (2018 est.) [see also: Obesity - adult prevalence rate country ranks ] Physicians density: 2.46 physicians/1,000 population [see also: Sanitation facility access - improved - rural country ranks ] [See also: Healthy Life Expectancy ]

[see also: Life expectancy at birth - male country ranks ]

[see also: Sex ratio - 15-24 years country ranks ]

male: 40.1 years 98 unimproved: [see also: Unemployment, youth ages 15-24 - total country ranks ]

[see also: Net migration rate country ranks ]

female: 81.6 years female: 81.6 years

urban: 0.6% of population [see also: Obesity - adult prevalence rate country ranks ] Maternal mortality rate: 5 deaths/100,000 live births

(2015 est.) age structure" is based on the latest demographic and social statistics by United Nations Statistics Division

(2018 est.)