Copyright © 2017. This page has nine faces for happy, sad, silly, worried, angry, tired, shy, bored, and confused. You can do the exercises online or download the worksheet as pdf. H��V{PSW�rɋ8�`)�ђKH�ײ�QG�I�

Lobster English vocabulary exercises elementary and intermediate level esl. The goal of a gratitude journal is to increase our focus on positive experiences, which improves well-being. 80

On this page, we connect you with worksheets and games on fire safety, Internet safety, bullying, nutrition, and more. 0000054380 00000 n A word search that has hard emotions and feeling vocabulary such as embarrassed, confident, and confused. Email my answers to my teacher, Font: px, Please allow access to the microphone

If you see a message asking for permission to access the microphone, please allow. 0000004209 00000 n Jolly Lodger

Russo One Rancho Shadows Into Light Two

Crafty Girls 24 For more information about how our resources may or may not be used, see our help page. Log in, This post contains affiliate links, if you click through them I will earn a commission. You can add these books about feelings for kids to encourage more talk about emotions.
Please login to your account or become a member and join our community today to utilize this helpful feature. 1. Glue each word next to the corresponding face. Q0B H�v�&�W��.���^�MH3�4E�Lhct�Ʃ3�[�֖P��3�8��Tѵ��nw��. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. 36

Pinyon Script Teach the feelings vocab On the board draw a large circle. Grades K through 2 . A fun card game for learning various feelings and emotions and the reasons why people feel that way. Open Sans

... During childhood, they are actively developing their understanding of their own emotions. Kalam Fun With Mama. Escolar Exo 2 Covered By Your Grace Forgiveness does not mean forgetting or condoning the wrongdoing, granting legal mercy, or reconciling a relationship. Dancing Script Mindful Cognitive-Emotional Processing Worksheet PART I: Awareness Describe the present situation objectively, then for each of the following steps, pause and close your eyes, take your time to observe (preferably at least one minute each).    Size: Feelings and emotions online and pdf exercise. Bubblegum Sans Aldrich Feelings included in these activities: happy, sad, angry, tired, and afraid. These feelings worksheets are aimed to help children understand the different emotions they may feel in various situations. Your class has to match the activity with the feelings given and ask them to explain why they have chosen it.It's a great way to remind children that it's okay to feel a certain way about a positive and negative situation. 
Each of the twelve cards has a picture and an idea for a healthy anger management technique that's appropriate for kids. 0000004532 00000 n