Glenn wakes up on a destroyed walkway in the prison, which is now swarming with walkers, and quickly retreats inside. When a herd of zombies come their way, he hides under a car with Shane.

Glenn leaves with Abraham while Tyreese stayed with Rick, cutting off communication between the two for a large period of time. (Diese Überlebens-Theorie hat sich bewahrheitet.) The group questions Rick about what he was doing roaming around the streets. Glenn hides until the walkers wander off the next day, then Enid appears on a nearby rooftop to toss him a bottle of water before running off. Glenn announces that he and Maggie are planning on going on a scavenging trip. Tyreese dies peacefully whilst watching the sunset.

Sometime later, they encountered and joined a campsite of survivors outside the outskirts of the city. They pull him from the car onto the road and Michonne puts him down, as the others are distraught. Glenn spares Heath from having to make a human kill, and takes the pain for his friend. Glenn is clearly surprised to see Merle still alive.

At the bar, Rick and Glenn find Hershel and tells him about Beth. Karen •

Glenn attempts to speak his final words to a horrified and crying Maggie. He then makes sure no one reanimates with the others and is attacked by an undead Patrick, but is saved by Daryl. Before their supply run could begin, Nicholas and Aiden insisted on killing a walker that had devoured their friends, but found the walker out of sight.

In the basement, Glenn concocts a plan and he and Morales head down the sewer. In seinen letzten Momenten ging es Glenn nur noch um das Wohlergehen von Maggie, was zeigt, wie sehr er seiner Frau treu ergeben war. Daryl suddenly stands up for her and punches Negan for his actions.

She confirms she is. Eduardo • Glenn shimmies his way under the dumpster, as the walkers disembowel Nicholas' corpse, and kills the walkers attempting to grab him with his knife, creating a barricade and masking his scent. After allowing Oscar and Axel to dig the remaining graves, Glenn reveals to Hershel that he wishes they would have killed all of the prisoners on sight.

He explains that the main building has one entrance guarded by two men, but that he is unsure of how many there are in total, Rick proposes they attack at night while everyone is asleep, He plans to walk right in through the front entrance, "They want Gregory's head, right?" Seeing this, an angry Daryl gets up and attempts to attack Negan, punching him once. The group end up in a library and fortify it for safety. Shane reveals that Otis is dead and Glenn feels sorry even though he didn't know him. Carol appeared to be heartbroken when Morgan told her that he had been killed by Negan. But ultimately Rick wasn’t able to save Glenn.

You can also catch up on the show via NOW TV. Negan then continues beating Glenn until there is nothing recognizable left of him. She suffers from a fever and other serious symptoms, and seems to be in some state of shock. They go and assist the man from a group of walkers. Abraham is about to get violent with Glenn when Eugene confesses he's not even a scientist and that he lied in order to be protected and survive. Norris • "There were things that came up, we had a conversation, I said, 'Mark my words, someone's gonna publish an article about that,' and then the episode airs, and there's an article and it's right there. He tells her that he will go to the Big Spot, instead of her.

Glenn jokes around about having a vacation on a bookstore floor. The two back up into the garage and have sex. Als er das sieht, steht ein wütender Daryl auf und versucht, Negan anzugreifen, wobei er ihn einmal schlug.

Glenn's death is the first death from the original. Negan pauses to offer sympathy to the group on how hard this is to watch. Eugene seems to appreciate and has a neutral relationship with Glenn. He tells Maggie that Glenn was their family as well as hers, and carefully takes his body away from the scene. However, when the prison alarm sounds, Oscar and Axel help Glenn, Rick and Daryl shut down the back-up generator and kill the hostile prisoner Andrew. Glenn and Heath show a strong friendship, shown when they kill the walkers in "First Time Again" and "No Way Out" and when they go out on the supply run in "Thank You" and when they slaughtered the Saviors in "Not Tomorrow Yet". Michonne and Glenn went with Rick, Tyreese, and Noah to Noah's old community in the hopes of finding good people. When they are overwhelmed, Glenn convinces Maggie to leave the farm. Trotz des massiven Spoilers zum Finale der 6. Then Glenn got up and help his group to stop the walkers from breaking in, but it was all a dream. Glenn even gave him his own riot gear to increase Eugene's odds of surviving the journey to the capital. Glenn pulls out the picture of Maggie, but she insists he doesn't need it. Harlan, introduces himself as a doctor. Glenn survived, however, and assaulted Nicholas while he was tracking Glenn. Gorman • Daryl wird sofort gefügig, und Negan drückt Ricks Gruppe gegenüber seine Missbilligung über ein solches Verhalten aus. After walkers inside the warehouse tried to get at them from behind a fence, Nicholas told everyone to just move on, to which Glenn agreed.