You can simply use the Smudge tool and Liquify tool. Finally with the tattoo in place, rotated and warped to follow the contours of the model's neck, and with the lighting and color adjustments made, your image should now be complete, as shown below. You can then adjust the Distort and Scaling parameters to give a variant to the edges as per your image needs.
This new layer should now be named "Tattoo 1 copy 2.".
In this process, you define the edges of the tattoo, and this is the step that mainly composes how your design would look when it is either half-hidden or in the dark. Select the Filter section on the top menu bar, go to Distort>Glass. For example, the hole and the machines need to be in perfect proportion to the skull in order to look believable. If you look closely you can also see this move emphasizes the noise in the channel a little as well, which will help give a textured look to our lighting effect. Now rotate the tattoo by moving the cursor near one of the corners, (you'll see the cursor change to a bent arrow), and then drag it in a clockwise motion. By default Photoshop CS4 makes this layer a "Smart Object.". Make sure the body area is visible where you want to Photoshop a tattoo. You need to press Ctrl + Shift + Alt + E to create a composite copy of the image, and then press Ctrl + J to create a copy of the composite copy layer.

Now click on the Black Point of the curve and pull it over to the right just a little as shown. After deciding to use the "Blue" channel as the basis for our lighting effect, make a copy of the Blue channel by going to the Channels palette and clicking on the "Blue" channel. Simply fill in the selection with black, and the tattoo design shall reappear. Begin the filter selection after the graphic has been placed on a white background. You can select a suitable radius according to your design. Simple, you can go to the Channels setting above the Layers panel, select Blue Channel and click on the icon there using Alt or Option (For MAC). You can also add Bevel and Emboss layer style to the tattoo layer. This opens up the Pop-up menu where you can choose what kind of Adjustment layer you want to add.

Unlike the first tutorial, this part of the blog is more concerned with the use of Photoshop to edit tattoos on images.

Designing a tattoo is super-easy if you have access to Photoshop and Illustrator. Since the original file for the tattoo is embedded within the Smart Object any work done using the Free Transform Tool while it's a Smart Object will refer to the original file and re-render every time you make a new adjustment using Free Transform. While both these processes are elementary, one can also choose to make complicated designs after viewing these few points. You can go for a shaded look for black and white line drawings, or merge a couple of images to acquire the desired effect. You can also explore more effects within the Filters tab in order to give more hand-drawn effects. Next go to the Layers palette and make sure you've highlighted the warped and blurred tattoo layer "Tattoo 1 copy 2." Now create a new layer. Rest of the steps can be followed according to the previous tutorial. Do you want to photoshop a tattoo on your body? I used the Quick Selection tool from the toolbar to make the selection. Share ideas. In this blog, we shall learn how to design a tattoo in Photoshop and how can a tattoo be added over an image using Photoshop. Photoshop A Tattoo on Your Body. This copy layer will be used as the Displacement Map. To render the Smart Object into a regular layer make sure you've chosen that layer in the Layers Palette and then make a copy of the layer by dragging it down to the Create a New Layer button (so we have the original to go back to just in case). Next, you should go to File » Save As and save the document in PSD format. Finally I grabbed some of the points inside the tool's window and moved them around slightly to give more of a slightly wavy look to the tattoo. In order to do so, first, unlink the tattoo image from the mask layer. This is the layer we're going to work with next. In the Displacement Map, select Stretch to Fit and in the Undefined Areas, select Repeat Edge Pixels.

In this case the noise will help us out by giving our tattoo some nice skin like texture when we use it to add the lighting. After saving the Displacement Map, simply delete the copy layer before going to the next step.

Sometimes it’s fun to add fake tattoos to your photos.

You will then see the tattoo appear in your image as another layer named "Tattoo 1."

Name it as Displacement.

To make it look a little uneven and give it that hand-drawn effect, here are a few ways techniques. We recommend trying different settings for the Hue/Saturation sliders to match your unique skin tone. Collaborate. This step is similar to the earlier tutorial. However, even if you don’t illustrate, there are ways to design your tattoos using existing stock images.

To make the tattoo look like it is closer to and on the skin, Larson chooses to blur the tattoo. To finish, select Edit > Transform > Warp, and drag the grid and handles to warp the tattoo wherever you want.