The Friday Cover is POLITICO Magazine's email of the week's best, delivered to your inbox every Friday morning. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill utilizes an IP address reputation scoring system and their database is reporting that your internet address has been flagged for malicious activity. Why is Sony no longer very dominate in electronics?
The United States is involved in more alliances and networks than any other country.

By 1900, telephones were in wide use.

Why is the 20th century, called the American century?

I've never heard of it called that before, but I suppose it's because the 20th century was the period of time where the USA established itself as not only the primary, but the only world power via both World Wars and the Cold War (and proxy conflicts in Vietnam and Korea).

Still have questions? Having led his cavalry troop of cowboys, the "Rough Riders," up San Juan Hill in a skirmish with the Spanish in Cuba, Colonel Theodore Roosevelt became a national hero and, as fate would have it, McKinley's successor as president of the United States. The first transcontinental rail link had been completed in 1869. The founder of Time, Life, and Fortune magazines, Luce presented a powerful vision of the United States leading and transforming the world. The ascendancy of Ohio and the Midwest in national politics demonstrated that the United States was no longer a nation oriented to the Atlantic seaboard. The Life of a City: Early Films of New York, 1898 to 1906, America at the Turn of the Century: A Look at the Historical Context, The Paper Print Film Collection at the Library of Congress, Motion Picture and Television Reading Room. It is comparable to the description of the period 1815-1914 as Britain's Imperial Century ... Bush was influence by a group called Project for a New American Century, people who believed that as the last remaining Superpower the US should throw its weight around, project its power in the world.
The century’s two world wars resulted in the deaths of at least 60 million people. Our share of the world economy will be less than it was in the middle of the past century, and the complexity represented by the rise of other countries — as well as the increased role of nonstate actors — will make it more difficult for anyone to wield influence and organize action.

The Century: America's Time is a 15-part television series of documentaries produced by … I've Read Obama’s Trade Deal.

Guglielmo Marconi was conducting experiments that would lead to the development of the radio, and the Wright brothers were at work on a heavier-than-air flying machine.

The American Century Will Continue but It Won’t Look the Same. The American world order has never represented more than half the globe; our system didn’t include large countries like China, India, Indonesia and the Soviet bloc. His "Cross of Gold" speech became famous: "You shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold," he thundered. The frontier -- the great fact of 300 years of American history -- was no more.

The interests and influence of Americans extended far from home. Most people around the world think it is — including most Americans.

The early 20th century was a very interesting time in history. It was, said historian Samuel Eliot Morison, "an attempt through government action to curb the arrogance of organized wealth and the wretchedness of poverty amid plenty." Like the Spanish-American War, world's fairs both contributed to and resulted from increasing American interest in the globe. As a new player in Asia, America would now confront the ambitions of the Japanese Empire, a confrontation that would not be played out until World War II. Although McKinley certainly was no Progressive, the movement was on the rise; two of the three presidents who followed him were Progressives: Republican Theodore Roosevelt and Democrat Woodrow Wilson.

The National Setting By 1900 the American nation had established itself as a world power. The American Century is a characterization of the period since the middle of the 20th century as being largely dominated by the United States in political, economic, and cultural terms. Cities were growing. How should we measure the American century? He was also the fifth of the six Ohio presidents to serve during the fifty-year period 1868-1908. The American century will continue for at least a number of decades or more; it will simply look very different than it did when Henry Luce first articulated it.