You can also get it through the frame DOM element in the parent page and use its contentWindow property to get at the child window: With the abillity to call functions it’s much easier to offload processing to other frames more efficiently which allows for creation of self contained modules that let you interact with only a few small interface points.

On a webpage on the Web Server, I loop every x seconds and make an ajax request to find out if the test file exists (ajax request to [URL]I've tried the following approaches so far:Trigger a web method from the client side that creates a HttpContext object to verify if the text file exists. If your interaction is any more complex that say grabbing or setting a single value , it’s probably better to create functions in the target frame and call these functions across the frame border rather than the individual DOM commands individually. "Permission denied"? I am developing web application and in application i need to make call of jQuery using .ajax(); method with datatype is set jsonp. Trying to target an iFrame on an opening page, Loading current iframe data into a new window, Load HTML pages conditionally with user details from popup.js, Problem adding canvas ( fabric.js) inside an iframe.
I am using iFrame to load data from Domain different from my website. It uses Cross-Sub-Domain cookies to share the authentication ticket between 2 web applications. State Management :: Preserve __viewstate Between Cross Domain Posts? There’s no cross-domain restriction on *writing* to a window.location property, only on *reading* from it. I want to directly post the data to Default.aspx from localhost without opening Default.aspx and display the Default.aspx's response on my localhost.The WebApp on is configured for __eventvalidation i.e. For the DOM purists out there, you can use iframe.contentDocument.defaultView instead of iframe.contentWindow. I have my webservice in iis7 locally and I am testing through my debug in my client project.I need to get cross-domain working.

Example :ABC : DEF : GHI ============Main Menuabc ======== Child Menudef -> jkl======= Sub Child MenumnopqrSo when i am on page "mno" breadcrums like ABC > def > mno When user again mouse over on def same sub child menu will get appear as we have dispaly on header. now what i want is, that when ever user clicks or does any activity inside the iframe which causes the frame to load a new page then the text box "currentSrc" should get populated with current url of the page inside iframe. Which character to escape for this to work in ~/.bashrc, Use 15 year old Zippo Lighter Fluid (naphtha), Trying to undestand why using \zs in regex is not working as I expect. Recently we improved performance of one of our Ruby on Rails application. Cross-domain IFRAME. we do not build entire web site for them. Below is the code i have written.var httpRequest;httpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url, true);httpRequest.setRequestHeader('X-PINGOTHER','pingpong');httpRequest.setRequestHeader('Content-Type','application/plain');httpRequest.onreadystatechange = function() {alertContents(httpRequest);httpRequest.send('');function alertContents(httpRequest){if (httpRequest.readystate == 4){if (httpRequest.status == 200) {alert(httpRequest.responseText);}}}. Different domains means no access. Getting iframe current src url in cross domain [duplicate].

I found many examples on the web and I believe my code is correct, but its still not working for me.My web service:using System.Web;using System.Web.Script.Services;using System.Web.Services;using System.Web.Script.Serialization;..........Firebug shows this is a success, but I am getting null from the alert. I�m using mvc futures 2 with WebApiEnabled for XML and JSON support. Provide the permalink of a topic that is related to this topic, iFrame contentDocument Access Denied Error for CrossDomain URL, Re: iFrame contentDocument Access Denied Error for CrossDomain URL. { "chromeWebSecurity": false } The test passes! they have provided url to set cookies. can set cookies on their doemain by calling above ur.Problem:1) we can't make xmlHttp request because this is cross-doamin link.2) we can't use jquery because it uses xmlHttp as native implementation.3) i have tried to set above url in and